Thursday 30 April 2015

Nearly sorted...

Well if it's not packed now it ain't going. All appears to have gone in... I need to look around and find that other pile that I should have packed !!!! Photo to follow....

Sunday 26 April 2015

... And still packing....

After painting the bathroom ... It was off to the garage to try and load up.
Hard panniers have been chosen... But still too much kit to pack... I just have to reduce it all by 33%.... Now which is the 33% to leave behind......    Gas or Petrol stove....  Top box or soft bag,  boots or Altbergs.... .... Bugger and I leave on Friday....

Saturday 18 April 2015

Monday 13 April 2015

More preparation......

Just in case anyone reads this blog - for the next trip; which is Morocco, you can hopefully follow my location by logging into the following web site:    and the password is Madiba

The tracking started last Sunday so it should cover the next short trip to Wales next Weekend...
I have a Delorme InReach SpotNav device mounted on the bike... if I remember to turn it on....

Thursday 2 April 2015

Yet more planning... 2 May 15

…Planning gets on apace now…  Ferry booked from Portsmouth to Spain, from Spain to Morocco and my return trip Bilbao and then via the Chunnel once I having ridden from Morocco to Calais.

I have sorted out most of the kit and have, for the moment abandoned the hard luggage – mainly because the tins I have a quite wide and therefore they just look too wide on the back.  Also the racks I have are the Givi ones and are not as stable or as firm as I would like.   I am therefore planning to use the Adventure Spec Magadan soft panniers…  Still too much kit in the pile…

Documents are now sorted and copied, Dollars and Euro obtained.   I still need to check to see if the tyres will make the trip.  A service for the bike is lined up for the 27th..