Sunday 27 September 2015

Thursday 24 September 2015


Well the old bike is now back in my garage , looking very sad. I contacted the seller in Germany about the replacement and it has not yet been shipped - bugger. Hopefully it will be shipped on Monday ..... Then the task starts of swapping over the bits, lights etc and getting the endless paperwork sorted, Vat, MOT, Road tax and DVLA ,,,,,,
Maybe I should have gone for the expensive one from UK.!!!!!!

Monday 21 September 2015

Friday 18 September 2015

Bugger --- The bike appears to be a write-off

Having had a front tyre deflate at 60mph yesterday the bike appears to be a write off.....
I am just sorting out with the insurance company the figures.....

But in the meantime I have located his German cousin and it will be shipped to the UK in the next 2 weeks.... And this is it.... Like peas in a pod... And with panniers too...