Saturday 30 April 2016

HU Day 3 - Saturday


Yesterday was a bit of a long day, there where a few presentations that I attended, and there was a lot of wandering around and chatting..  There is only so many times you can ask about a bike... And then get a 30 minute history and list of all the bolt ones and twiddly bits that they have had to buy otherwise the bike would not be complete.  

After the evening meal there was a couple of presentations, they were really good, especially the main event from Dylan ( I met him at Ace Cafe earlier in the year and chatted and bought his book) he rode around the world and had a great time, but when he got to the Darrien Gap going south, he had already decided to build a raft, powered by his bike and ride around the gap, Panama to Columbia ?? A great story and a very motivational speaker....  I am looking forward to reading the book (When the Road Ends) when I get home.....

By the time that was finished at about 10:30 I was ready for my bed....
We are still having issues with WiFi so there will be a few to go from the first McDs I find.

It is now 6.30 pm and I have already showered and had my first cup of tea...  and I will start sorting out the kit later as I have to repack it all ready for the off tomorrow.... I would prefer to be on the road, rather than static for days like this... You just lose the momentum of the road....  Everyone is talking about the storms coming in tonight and tomorrow..... It is not going to be pleasant, but if it is too much then I will just stop and wait it out....

More later....

Horizons Unlimited - Day 1 - Thursday..

Dear Readers

Day two at HU dawned and the rain had gone but it stayed grey and overcast all day.  
The are about 125 people booked in here so it is a cosy meeting (UK UK was about 700), so nice and small, although it could do with a few vendors and dealerships to attend.. There are at present on one organisation here and that is Greg  and Melanie Turp from  Such a nice friendly couple and hopefully I will be meeting up with them again over at Flagstaff next month.  They are also travelling over to the UK and will be at the HU UK event.

The time now is 5.15 and I am booked in for evening meal at 6pm... Then a few beers and hit the sack....  I must remember to clean and oil the bike chain tomorrow and get a good look at the map ready for Sunday....  I am sure that many will be offering advice on the best route to take... But at present it will be back to the Parkway and then head in the direction of St Luis to pick up Route 66 or what is left of it..   I think I will plan to be there for the 18th May .... But that is a very long way to ride.....


HU Day 2 - Friday

Dear reader(s)

We are all just waiting for the water to subside following one hell of a thunder storm last night..   Lots of rivers and lakes on the site this morning.....  The WiFi here is rubbish or non-existent... So I will back these up until I can get to a McDonalds... I have tried to send a message home via the spot Sat device and have assumed that it got there..

Unexpectedly ( or I should have known) most of the bikes here are BMW GSAs with lots of Touratech bits bolted on... Although there are a couple of others : one being a very odd VStrom with two normal panniers and a further 4 large suit cases strapped on - two at the back like top boxes and 2 hanging off the sides at the front - and I mean Big cases.....   Not only that the bike has a lap seat belt for the rider to wear ... Very crazy...  I will post photos later....

Met another couple of Brits from Somerset yesterday and they have been working here for over 11 years...  There is a ride out this morning to the site of the surrender between Generals' Grant and Lee but I don't think I will go - I CBA'd to get suited and booted just to ride 7 miles down the road... I might call in on Sunday if it not raining....  Although the forecast is for thunder stores all day on Sunday ... Just what I needed...  I hope to be on the road for about 9am on Sunday.

I have been getting lots of advice on the best way to get to Flagstaff... But at present I just would like to get back into the sun and warmth.... ( yes I know it is cold and wet in UK but I came all this way for heat....)   I am going to have to ride west over the mountains and head for Lexington, and it may have to be on a bit of Interstate to start.... Then locate a camp site....  Or motel if I am totally soaked!!!!

Thursday 28 April 2016

HU Virginia 2016

Had a very slow start this morning and rode the last 80 miles to the Holliday Lake State park - the site for the Horizons Unlimited meeting 2016.   The trip was hot and humid and I stopped a couple of times for a break and a drink....   The roads are virtually empty and a dream to ride - albeit at my sedate pace.  I have just met two guys that have just ridden down from Maine in just two days.... That's about 500+ miles per day....  Mind you the BMW R1200 GSA was made for eating up the miles...    I am watching the same guy putting up his huge tent, and has been doing that for over a hour...

My tent is up but we are not allowed to park the bikes on the grass : how odd...
So I have had to stack the panniers in the porch of the tent....   

I did volunteer to assist and have been helping to fold up some of the merchandise ready for them to sell...  Then they started getting the signage ready .... Oh so much signage... Just take a ride down only road in the UK or anywhere for that matter and there is just too much signage....   I know of a stretch on road in hampshire where there are over 100 signs in about 2 miles.....

Ah well back to the plot... It is now 8 in the morning and whilst writing last night I was attacked by 4 nice guys carrying beers and stuff... So we sat and talked for a couple of hours then cooked supper under the cover of a large barn.... Then the rain started hard and it was time to turn in.....    It rained until about 5 am and I thought I had better get this written before the place gets over run with big BMW GSs.... And I can't get onto the www.    

All is well and I am here until Sunday then I will need to decide on a route for the next part of the trip - over to Flagstaff - about 2000 and I have about 20 days to get there....


Tuesday 26 April 2016

Sensible hat time - here in the boonies....

And yes the beard does make me look old - that's coz I is old....

26th April - non riding day.

Dear reader,

I have been through my kit but could find very little to dump... May I just need to pack it better!!!  This morning I rode to the local store - just 15 miles away .... Why they call it a convenience store is beyond me...  Well I got some grits, a couple of bottles of water and something for lunch.

Having sorted that I fixed one of the LED lights on the front of the bike, as the cable had got pulled when they strapped the bike to the pallet.   I believe that the crash bars are a bit out of shape too with all the pressure of the straps - we will see how that goes but I may have to undo them, bend them back into shape and then re attach them to the bike... I suppose it could do with a bit of a spot weld to hold it in place...  I checked the top box and no Mig welder in there !!

Having returned for another cup of tea, I then set off on one of the trails, dropping down fast into a beautiful glen and then thought I would take a short cut back up to the camping area.... Oh my Lord am I out of condition... Puffing and panting like a 64 year old !!!

Now back at the tent and watching at least 5 squirrel playing around the trees near my tent...  And it it so very quiet here...  I tried to resist blogging but I am still not used to sitting and communing with nature yet...    It is 2pm and I think I am the only one left in this forest?     For supper this evening I will be mostly having 100% natural Beef Broth with maybe a little fusilli pasta for bulk... And reading my book by Jeremy Kroeker : Motorcycle Therapy....

The scars from my over scratching of mozzie bits are healing and I am now wearing socks and desert boots.... and a hat !!! (Note to my wife... The new trousers are working out a treat.. but I am resisting making them into shorts xx)

More later if I get bored and start chatting with my self....

Nigel's in Fairy land ... Honest...

Dear reader,

The day started well with a good breakfast coffee and instant cream wheat, a hot shower and a part shave, numerous cups of tea. Had a slow start, done the emails etc.... Then packed the bike, got all the kit on, got dressed and it would not start - battery flat... Bugger I thought...   Then one of the old guys came over for the stoop and offered a battery charger... What a hero.  Well we charged it up for just 15 minutes and hey presto we were away... Phew.....  People are so kind...

I managed to get back on the parkway and many miles at a sedate 45 mph..  I was heading for the campsite at Rocky Knob on the parkway but like a few sad people there it was closed... Not happy teddies :  Opens next week...  So next option was the Fairy Stone State Park on the 57 north of Stuart Virginia (yes I crossed another state line) and this site is even quieter than the quietest place on the planet from the other day. Although there was a road closed detour and lead me though some very back woods part of the country ---   I am still too early for the HU event so I have booked in here for two nights.. It will be good to have a day without riding.  I intend tomorrow to find out which 1/4 of my kit I don't need.... Must be brave and ruthless.

Whilst I am writing this I am also cooking supper it's 5pm and I am having pasta with creamy Parmesan chicken - it says on the pack serves 4+ but it will have to do...... And the last of the Budweiser sleep aids...  

Before turning in for the night I met a charming couple with their twin young daughters and we sat a talked for over an hour about my trip, England and what the hell is going on with Trump!!!

I must remember to ride into town tomorrow as the shows a Grocery store..

Odometer 70279..

Monday 25 April 2016

It's all about the suit !!!!


It's getting tight around the waist - must cut back on the burgers.....


Boone North Carolina..

Hi readers,

I short blog as the wind is getting up and there maybe a storm rolling in.

I had a very lazy start to the day - it is Sunday after all... I think.  Got straight back onto the Blue Ridge Mountain Parkway and roads for miles without seeing another soul..  I eventually met up with a few bikers and had various conversations about how bike etc...  Then just as I was getting in my stride they closed the road.... Diversion in place... And that las test for miles and once back on the Parkway - Gertie the Garmin threw one of her hissy fits... and just would not track back on to the Parkway... Anyway I arrived in West Jefferson and had a few more meetings with bikers and also managed to put in a call the my wife (missing her lots) and also my mother (bless her).

I was now time for the day camp site hunt - only two closed this time before I back tracked to Boone (hence the circles on the tracking map).. A very nice site next to a small stream.   I am a day or so ahead of schedule, if there is such a thing... I don't need to be at the HU event until Thursday afternoon.  So I will try again to have a gentle ride up to Roanoke and see if the camp site at Smith Mountain Lake State Park is open for business.  I must remember to get some stores in from Walmart or such like....

On the whole some fabulous scenery and amazing views from the Parkway and mere photos does not do it justice - you will just have to visit yourself...

I do believe that I have just complete the first 1000 miles on this trip...

Odometer 70199

Nite nite reader(s)

In the Smokey Mountains....

Once again dear readers

God did it rain over night... Lots of thunder and lightning... Everything wet.... but it had to be packed....

Well what started out as being a short ride ended up as a long day...  I left the camp site at about 10am as three sets of campers came over to chat.. Mostly about the bike, and one chap was from Edgeware and is working in Altlanta - nice guy...  Once I was away I headed up to Sylva and then the Blue Mountain Parkway .. But as I had time on my hands I thought I would visit Cherokee... For the history etc ... Oh dear... Once passed Santa Land !!! It was not too good but it does have a huge casino ... WTF I thought.. And about turned... Back onto the Parkway and head for the camp site.... But that was closed...

By this time I was at 6000 feet the temperature was very cold... I stopped to add another layer...  Only to be trapped by a lady on a scooter and she just wanted to chat about how difficult it was the do slow turns with an auto clutch !...

I finally got off the mountain and tried to find a camp site - round and around and found two but they were full.. So I back tracked to Asheville and found a rugged site near Canton.... Arrived at about 6:30pm.  Nice view of Americans at play.. Loud, large and cooking hot dogs and burgers...

I am now cooking supper of pasta and Campbell's Chicken Marsala....  The temperature is dropping ( thanks God for the Dyer & Butler fleece ) and I am loosing the light..... I must take a walk up the hill to savour the delights of the showers etc....    Nite nite.

Odometer reading 69902..

Saturday 23 April 2016

Tallahassee Gorge State Park

Dear reader 

Welcome again to my blog.... Following my last short blog I head north again on the trusty old 441... And go totally soaked on the way the Dublin...  Had to stop near Milledville for a warning coffee, before hitting the road again and heading for Athens... But it still was a little early to stop.. The sun came out and so I started to dry a little... So I kept going untilTallulah Gorge State Park.. Just north of Toccoa Georgia.

Nice camp site but a little prices at $32 ,  but it has showers and a dryer...   Wait .... The man across the road from me has just brought over a very cold and welcome Hurricane beer... Delicious... Thank you man.

I though my boots were water tight --- wrong.... Ah well... They will dry..   It is Friday and the site is filling up ready for the weekend.....   I would like to stay two night just for the break from riding... But not a $32 per night... Even with OAP discount.....!!

Tomorrow I will be in North Carolina and the Smokey Mountains riding the start of the Blue Ridge Parkway... I only intend to do about 120 miles tomorrow and then stop... Then   Hopefully not ride on Sunday....

I am not sure how many miles I ride each day as I just can't be asses (CBA) to record it so I will try to note down the end reading on the odometer....   I think the mileage at the start was 69044 and the mileage today is 69671 you can do the "math" as they say here..

I met some nice people today and only one said " I just luuv your accent " are you Australian?  The funny thing has been that they all look at the number plate and the two Union Jack stickers and still ask 'where you from' !!!  Where you headed??? I just say Alaska and that shuts them up....

Right I am off the remove these wet socks..... And spray anti moz over my bod.... Washing now done.....  I think it is about to rain again.......  I have just returned from a walk around the site ... So many huge trailer campers.. TV aerials, Sat Dishes, floodlights and one even using a power washer on his already very clean pickup truck..  If it ain't a V8 pickup then you ain't hip......  The site is now foggy from the mass of open fires and BBQs... And the chap next door is endlessly whittling and chopping wood for his fire...   It is now 8:30pm and way passed my bedtime.  I will just finish this chapter of Motorcycle Therapy by Jeremy Kroeker... I think I hear thunder in the distance.....

Night y'awwwl

Friday 22 April 2016


Well I sat down and wrote a wonderful blog and then when I went to send it.... Tick tick tick then all gone - just can't find the Bugger... Never mind

Well Dave a I met and put the world to rights and then an early night....
The next morning - just like to day was many very boring miles of very straight roads... I rode up the General Coffee State Park and what appeared to be one of the quietest place on earth..... Until the middle of the night when in the distance I could hear endless trains running through town... With those lonesome whistles - very iconic.
Managed to get to a Walmart today and get some bug stray as there are a load of mozzies here.

This morning was a straight ride, heading for Dublin. Once there I will look for a camp site. I am now about 150 miles south of the Appalachian Mountains and hopefully the start of some better scenery and less straight roads. Still too much kit but can't decide what to dump... The bike is running ok but odd noises from the clutch/gearbox - but that maybe normal as I am running without earplugs at present...

Now sitting in a McD with a disgusting cup of coffee...

I see that Victoria Wood has died - such a shame, and Prince - formally know as idiot has died too - not loss to the world there!


Thursday 21 April 2016

Wednesday 20 April 2016

Wednesday Day 3

Dear reader,
After another restless night in the motel and despite a 5 mile walk to the local Mall (locals pronounce that Mawwwwwwl).  I managed to get a local SIM card for those just in case moments.   Back to the motel and so hot I just could not face a big meal... And so to bed and try to choose from hundreds of channel with mostly adverts, God, or rubbish chat shows....

I set off this morning about 8am and just headed north on the 441 and then stopped for a long cool drink and my first cheeseburger at a McDonalds...  I was just getting back on the bike and ended up speaking to 3 separate people in the car park - all wanting to know who, why, where and when.... It's those UK plates that does it....  About 10 mile up the road I found a motorcycle dealership and got some chain oil etc as I was unable to ship some from the UK.  When asked what I was riding, 3 or the staff followed my out to the parking lot to see a genuine Honda Africa Twin....  Good bunch of lads.....

I checked the KOA (Kampsites of America) website and found a "Kampsite" at Oklawaha Lake.   one the tent was pitch I then had to ride back 5 miles to the local store for some supplies.... I am sure I could banjos playing in the back room..... !!!!

Then back to to site to get wash, doing to laundry... and meet up with Dave who arrived at my tent... He to is a biker and will be returning this evening to talk about bikes and trips etc....  I have managed to lay in a few Budweiser sleep aids for the event....

I am now sitting in the peaceful surroundings of the site clubhouse - and it's so quite here.....  And free wifi...  Now back to the maps and punch in a destination for tomorrow.....  I did about 150 miles today which is going to be about the norm for the trip.  Most of the way the speed limits were between 35 and 45 and further of of town upto 55.. Which suit me just fine....

By for now.... 

Tuesday 19 April 2016

Mobile again....

Dear reader,
Picking up and unpacking the bike was easy thanks to the staff at AGI Florida and an electric screw driver..... All now sorted and refuelled and manage to get back to the motel. I had fun swapping over the packing - I am still carrying too much but have a lot of time to decide what goes and what stays...

Tomorrow I will be heading North - not too far but enough to clear the Orlando area..


Arrived safe and well...

Dear readers,

The flight was fine and managed to watch 3 films before having to run around the plane to sort out my back....

Now at the Motel drinking Diet Coke and waiting for a hotdog and chips... Then off the bed..  It is 7.30pm Florida time but to me is 2am tomorrow... Long day.....

I have a plan to collect the bike tomorrow early... Then I just have to ride it back to the Motel......  and avoid getting on a toll road...

More tomorrow when I am awake...

Days Mileage 0

Monday 18 April 2016

So far - so good....

Day 1

The bike has arrived in Orlando and I have arrived at Gatwick.... The only event was when the coach took a sharp turn while I was standing up in the toilet... A close one there !! Note to self : always sit....

I am off to get some lunch .....

Thursday 14 April 2016

Monday 4 April 2016

Sunday 3 April 2016

.... Madiba is on its way tomorrow

Well if it ain't packed it ain't going... Top box or soft bag ? Too late now ..... bugger.. Gas or petrol stove... Too late Bugger ..