18 States and just one to go...

Good evening dear reader,

I am currently in La Pine State Park ... No internet... You you will get this maybe tomorrow .  The ride up from Unity Lake was a good one, lots to see, plenty of mountain passes, straight roads, snow covered peaks and fabulous scenery.  I do believe that Oregon is the best looking state (so far!).

Before I start rambling, a funny thing happened last night... There I was resting in my sleeping bag at about 10pm when something fell from above into my ear....  Bugger I thought and tried to flick it away.... A little while later I felt movement inside my ear... and it appears very loud due to its location....   Very disconcerting I can tell you...  Where is a Q tip when you need one....  So I prodded and poked and it stopped for about 10 minutes then it started again.... More poking and prodding.... This continued for over two hours... Then a fierce attack with a little finger assisted by a tooth pick and all was quiet......  So whether it has gone or is lying dead in there is yet to be determined.....  I gave to ears a heavy duty rinsing in the shower this morning.... and with earplugs in all day...  nothing heard from my visitor..

I rode most of the day on the John Day Highway (26).  I must look him up as everything is named after him, John Day town, John Day river, John Day fossil beds etc etc.  Just when I thought I would get low on petrol and much needed breakfast I came across the Austin Cafe.... An excellent breakfast, lots of coffee, a shop and petrol.. A one stop shop - highly recommended.   Further down the road I met with a chap on a 1990 Harley towing a boat... You don't see that every day.  The scenery was so good I even stopped to set up the go pro.. I hope it comes out.. I don't usually have too much luck with it.

On the road there were hundreds of gofers trying to get run over - that's what I think they were, even more worrying was the number off deer that were standing in the road or loitering on the verge and thinking about crossing....  Also the roads were now very busy as the end of the Memorial Day holiday comes to an end... Rather like the A31 today I guess.

The sun was roasting two minutes ago but now it is behind the trees it bloody cold.... It will be very cold tonight.... Time for the thermal long-johns I think.

Rode on to Prineville, Redmond and then got a little lost trying to ride around Bend, but eventually found the scenic route through Deschutes National Forest and then back onto the 97 to La Pine.   Tomorrow it is down to Crater Lake for the night and then back up to Springfield for Wednesday night and then into Coos Bay for Thursday night and ready for the bike to get some attention on Friday....   Sound like a plan....

Supper is needed I think.... Good night campers, from me an my earwig friend !!!!

Odometer 75184

States so far......
South Carolina
North Carolina
West Virginia
New Mexico

Last one:

Monday 30 May 2016

Oregon mountains

A mountain breakfast... And not many bikes towing a boat.....!!!

Sunday 29 May 2016


Good morning reader,

A good start this morning from Mountain Home, a coffee and 2 hash browns and away... but not before meeting my first motorcycle policeman, such a nice chap, but as usual I forgot to get a photograph - he took one; so if you read this blog could you send me a copy of the photo....

As usual I took the long route around town of Boise and cut through the back roads to Marsing, Parma and Vale. Once away from the valleys we climbed up and up into hills near Ironside and Unity, I found a good campsite at Unity Lake.... We passed through another time zone and so gained another hour... So having ridden for 6 hours it is still early afternoon.

Washing done, and map set for tomorrow as we head for Bend and the Crater Lake Area.. The sun is up and the is a fair breeze whipping up over the lake.

All the time when scribbling these blogs, I am thinking that my friend and riding companion David Charlton would have loved this trip and I would certainly have enjoyed his company. Maybe another time David - going east maybe.....


I met with my first motorcycle police officer today... Such a nice guy... As usual I forget to take a picture.... Officer Martinez, if your watching could you send me a copy of the photo you took. Many thanks.

Saturday 28 May 2016

Option D - North to Idaho

...and the winner was Option D ... Well done and the brand new BMW R1200GSA is now yours....  If you want it...  A quick decision this morning and we headed North to Twin Falls Idaho.   It wasn't raining but it was bloody cold.... along the 93 and 122 - I won't mention the cross winds otherwise you will think I am obsessed with them... but it is getting on my nerve now....

The scenery was brilliant in a boring sort of way... Endless views with endless mountain ranges and fertile valleys.  I took the quieter Route 30 at Twin Falls to try to find a camp site at the State Park at Glenn's Ferry nothing so we motored on to Mountain Home and found a nice site which even has grass to pitch the tent on ... now there's a novelty...  I may well take a riding free day tomorrow.... But I want to avoid the rush on Monday when all the holiday makers head for home.... I just have no idea what it will be like...  Downtown Mountain Home looked like Blackpool as I rode through.. Lots of people wandering around eating and a fun fair etc etc....

I have been in touch with a Honda Dealer on the Oregon Coast and I will try to get Madiba an oil change and check-up at the end of next week, before heading South on the PCH...   In the meantime I intend to head for Boise via Route 78, Canyon City Route 26, Bend, Springfield and Florence before arriving at Coos Bay.    Or maybe not.. I will have to see how it goes...

I am trying out a new game.... Pack everything away in a different place every morning... It makes the evening setup so much more interesting...!!!

I think I rode about 260 today....  But as we don't go much above 60 mph and the problems I am having with wind..... no, the weather kind, I think that was about right for us.  After the Visit to the Honda dealer I think it will feel good to be heading South towards Los Angeles and journey's end... although I may cut over to Reno and down through Yosemite and Mammoth Lakes and I missed them on the way up....    I do miss my home and family.... So I maybe home mid to late June....

West Wendover... Shhhhhh

It's early evening here and I am wondering if this is the noisiest place on earth.... I have aeroplanes overhead doing acrobatics over the salt flats, a helicopter is also doing circuits over the town. Over the fence we have kids playing football, and I can hear the trucks on the main road through town, we also have two teenagers in the corner of the campsite shouting and practicing the US national anthem at the top of their voices, and of course there is a railroad running past the site... Good old Amtrac .... all we need now is a 50 piece marching band to turn up and my day will be complete... Oh and did I mention the rain on the tent and the occasional crack of doom that is a thunder storm .... bring it on - I am reaching for the earplugs.......🌩⚡️⛈✈️πŸš”πŸš’⚽️


Set off early and tried to miss the rush hour on the Salt Lake City (SLC) Interstate - not a chance - but they were good to me...  I decided to avoid any Interstate hassle so I took the much less travelled route via American Fork..  Which turned out to be MMFA (Miles and Miles of Flip All), but it was quiet and very very straight... towards the end the guys that fix pot hole had and interesting fix.... just pour gravel all over the road and into the holes!!! aaaarrrhhhh 9 miles of that....

Finally back onto the I-80 to Bonneville Salt Flats, I stopped for fuel at Delle City and they claim to have a population on 1 (and who ever is in the car park).  There I met Jo from California who was riding his peddle bike from home to SLC, what an interesting guy.. None of your fancy Lycra for him: a pair of sports shorts, pink socks and a pair of crocs and he set off with just 80 miles to cover before the end of the day. Go Jo go.  See photo. Then I remembered that I had not eaten since I woke up so a coffee and burrito was had.

We rode on, Madiba and I, and reached the road that runs passed the salt flats (aka the Newfoundland Evaporation Basin) all that without Wikapedia.  A very very straight road with the flooded salt flats on both sides......  I did manage to stop for a picture but there was no way that I was going to even try to take the bike onto the salt for one of those memorable pictures....

Arrived at West Wendover, and stopped for coffee and chatted with an interesting chap from Lake Taho (near Reno/Carson City), about bikes, routes and places to visit.  I am now at a camp site behind one of the many Casinos, and it's raining, so the bike will get a bit of a clean..

Now its decision time here folks:
A. Do I ride down to Ely and then Tonopah and then Bishop to get me near Yosemite National Park.... 446 miles.    Or

B. Do I take to Interstate to Elko, Winnemucca and into Reno and then drop down South to Reno and then Yosemite ? 513 miles. Or

C: Do I ride to Ely and then west to Eureka, Austin and Fallon before dropping down to Carson City and then Yosemite ?  491 miles

All routes would mean an over night stop.  All routes mean riding across the "Great Basin" which sounds very bleak and boring... But there is no option.

Or I could ride North to Twin Falls in Idaho.... Then into Bend Oregon, then the coast and visit Yosemite on the way south.....  i.e turn left at San Francisco....  About 8 days at my current pace....   Of course the problem is that whichever I choose it will put me about 2 days away from LA - my final destination..... Bugger too tempting...

I think another coffee is in order.... Oh another shower of rain....

Odometer 74460

Sorry about that

I now have a couple of cows at the back door..

I just hit a bit of a home sick low spot - I need coffee and hash browns and sort myself out.....

Thursday 26 May 2016

Springville near Salt Lake City

Dear Reader,

Left the site at Moab early this morning, after speaking to another biker, a Canadian with a Honda 650, and he had ridden from the east coast of Canada mostly off road... Hats off to you young man...

I stopped in town for some hash browns and coffee, and met a couple and we talked about shipping bikes to the UK...  After Price the weather got a little wet as I rode up through the passes, hanging on for dear life in the winds.. At the top; Soldiers Summit, it was all down hill for about 30 miles...  And then a short run to the campsite.

Tomorrow is a short ride over to Wendover and the Bonneville Salt Flats...  And back down to Ely..

I have decided that I am not an Adventure Rider but just a biker on an Adventure.  I have been thinking about what Ted Simons was talking about, in relation to "Making a Difference", Members of the Foundation and all that... Well that just ain't me...  My blogs are more a diary than a work of literature...  As for my adventure, well, I appear to be just riding from one town to another, I do stop and "smell the coffee", I take pictures, and I chat to people, and I blog but I find it hard to call this fun....   Although I did enjoy the company at Overland Expo 2016 - they are great people...   I do enjoy the riding, but the winds are putting a damper on that....  I am sure that it will get better as I go North and West, and eventually turn South and head for Los Angles to ship the bike and myself out home.  I do miss my home and my wife, and am trying to ignore those that will scoff if I return home early but if that happens, it happens.....  Maybe I a just a little tired... Must dash and get something to eat before hitting the sack...

Price Utah

Just stopped lunch at Price. The ride up was as awe up as usual... Is it me or does everyone suffer from the cross winds on a bike... I was going to stop at the Arches State Park but there was a huge queue - I think the schools are on holiday and its Memorial Day weekend to. The rest of the rise was through canyon lands and very boring.

Very hot at the start but now cold and I think it is going to rain on the final days leg to Salt Lake City.... Need to put on another layer.

Speak later..

Good meetings

I have just met a charming man from China and he is touring the USA with his wife and friends. His name is Lie Bo. A very interesting man who loves the idea of motorcycle journeys. So nice to speak with him.

Wednesday 25 May 2016

Moab in Utah

An easy start today, walked next door and had breakfast... How people eat 3 or more of these pancakes is beyond me.. Set off over the mountains from Silverton to Ouray and then Ridgeway... If I thought the scenery yesterday was good, well today's was stunning, awesome in fact. Left Ridgeway on the 62 and lots of cross winds again.. Then onto the 145 through Naturia and Bedrock, a fabulous valley and then mile upon mile of a straight road until the steep climb out of the valley, and leaving Colarado and back into Utah, and then joined the 191 North to Moab.

This morning I had to stop and put on more clothing, now the temperature must be in the 90 and so hot... And it's only 3pm.

Tomorrow I am heading to Salt Lake City via Price and over night, then on to see the Bonneville Salt Flats and then I may drop back down to Delta, and across to Ely in Nevada. I must try to book a camp site as it is Memorial weekend here....

Odometer is 74073

Silverton Colarado

Well dear reader, what an interesting day.... I did not get to Ouray.
After Cortez I road a wonderful road to Durango, I though about stopping there but it was only 1pm so as usual I rode on... and turned out to be an even better, and scenic Route 550 (also known as the million dollar highway). It starts off as gentle rolling hills, then changes to high cliffs and forests, then we started to climb up and up. Then snow started to appear everywhere, so more climbing and the temperature was dropping all the time, until we reached the top and then down and down to Silverton at 9500 feet. I feel a little light headed and tired, so I hope that is due to the elevation. The views were fantastic and there is more to come tomorrow. So I started off in the cool desert of Goosenecks, then into the baron wasteland of the Four Corners and into the snow line of the San Juan National Forrest, what a fabulous country this is....

I found a motel in the town and booked in, as I am just knackered. I sorted out the route for tomorrow, and had a walk around the town, although most of the town is closed! and getting ready for this coming weekend - Memorial Day weekend. Most of the is still the original, and looks like a Wild West town without the dirt Main Street and horses. Very picturesque. (Pictures to follow). It is now nearly 5:30 and I packing in for today... and the Lone Ranger is on the TV... ??

Tomorrow is over the mountain pass and then on to Moab in Utah (campsite booked) And then up to Salt Lake City... and the Bonneville Salt Flats... I may well have problems finding a camp site on Friday and Saturday night. I will try to book one tomorrow near who knows where...

Odometer is 73901

Nite nite from a very tired biker.

Tuesday 24 May 2016


And yet more wind... From about 11pm until 4am... And did the tent shake... So a very poor nights sleep in a very scenic place.   Got up early to see the sunrise, and then packed and said my good byes to the Canadians in the park... My watch said 6am but of course there was yet another change of time zones... So that would have been 7am.

I rode through some great scenery accompanied by yet more cross winds... Over to Four Corners - with 4 more time zones!!! and then over to Cortez for breakfast at 10:30..

Just about to leave for Durango and then Ouray... Think I might try a Motel tonight as the feet could do with a good soaking in a bath....

Later each....  N

Utah and going north...

.... Following yet another excellent day, we all attended the BBQ, alas I had not bought a ticket for that, but just as I was turned away from the queue and tall biker approached and handed me a ticket... As I have said before : adventure bikers are such nice people.  Thank you whoever you are...

Then back to the camp to have the farewell party..... and campfire...  I managed to slip away at about 10pm.. but I thing it went on until passed 3am! They know how to party this lot..

I woke up early and de-camped and  was ready for the road by 8am...  So many good byes to so many great people.. Truly parting is such sweet sorrow....  I just can't remember all their names but I will never forget the kindness and joy that there was in the cool camping area....   But it did feel great to be back on the road again..  Rode up to Flagstaff, then Tuba City (blink and you will miss it, and it is worth missing) and then as far as Kayenta and then into the Monument Valley, and that was very impressive - so took lots of pictures.  Onwards to Mexican Hat and start looking for a campsite.  I thought of going as far as Cortez but then remembered Goosenecks State Park... So for $10 I have a tentside view of the Goosenecks Valley... You just have to see the pictures to believe the view.

In the campsite overlooking the Valley I met with 8 Canadians from Montreal, and what a great bunch of guys, the couple where named AC and Stephanie.... Lots of photos taken for blogs and websites so that the photos will set back to Sam Manicom with whom Stephanie has been in contact with...  Such a small world this Adv Rider business.

So now I am set up, and this blog done, I can get supper ready and wait for sunset over the Gorge....

Tomorrow is going to be a loop through Valley of the Gods, Bluff, Four Corners ( the junction of four states (Utah, Arizona, New Mexico and Colarado) then up to Cortez, Durango, Silverton, Oray, Ridgeway, and then back to Cortez for the night.

Sunday 22 May 2016

Sunday morning 7am

Good morning reader,

Yesterday was a good day at the show, extreme winds, but hot sun.   Loads of problems with tents blowing away and things just taking off.  Loads to see at the show and some great people to chat with and the occasional fight with the WiFi.   I think a barber shop would have been useful as the hair and beard are starting to need attention.  Ed March and Rachel turned up and it was great to see them, and they are still riding south..

At the end of the day I sat a listened to Ted Simons for a while; he is so interesting and inspirational.  I don't believe that I am that type of traveller though, I just like to ride and see things, and if I remember: I take a few pictures..  Even these blogs are just diary notes and are not really of any worth except to me.  I am often asked if I am going to write a book about my travels and the answer is very simply and emphatically NO.    I often wonder what other riders think about over the many hours spent inside a motorcycle helmet, maybe that's why they get very philosophical about life and riding.

At about 7pm and then felt very tired and had too much sun, so I had a quick bite to eat and hit the sack, I just can not party/drink anymore....  Two guys did turn up with a guitar and a fiddle and they were brilliant.... Even from the seclusion of my tent..

This morning is sunny but very very cold.  I currently sat in the laundry room doing a communal wash, but it is warm and quiet in here.  The camp area is great but it is nice to get away for a while... Most of the cool guys campers are volunteers for the event or travellers giving presentations - it's like a club really.  There are such a range of travellers from those like me that just potter, to the long time travellers like the nice German couple who have been travelling since 2011, and Simon and Lisa Thomas who are now into their 13th year on the road.. (Although I think sponsorship must bring its own problems).  All in all some great people.

I need to check out the maps today and get the route ready for tomorrow and try to get into the showers as there appears to be just 4 for the whole camp... and a $2 a go they must make a fortune...  Most people will be leaving today and so hopefully a quiet and gentle return to solo biking tomorrow.

So tomorrow is back on the road heading north, so let's hope for no wind and clear skies  as I ride back to Flagstaff and onto Monument Valley and Medicine Hat.

Saturday 21 May 2016

Another day at a very windy Mormon Lake Arizona...

Dear Reader(s), as there may well be more than one by now...

The Expo has started and and the partying does not really stop!!!
I spent yesterday wandering around the Expo, it is mostly for vehicles but there are many trade stands for motorcycles... Bikers appear to be a more fun than the others... Such nice people....  The truck side is awesome but I don't really get it... huge vehicles, huge trailers and so much stuff that you just can't live without!! apparently.

The wind is still a-blowing here abut the sun is hot and I managed to get burnt on the face and hands... So today is more sun block and I am wearing the hat that I brought all this way and hate wearing...  But everyone wears hats and who cares anyway...  The wind overnight has got stronger.... They say it is going to get to 50mph....  I hope its slows for Monday and is gone by the time to leave for Monument Valley and Moab..

Last night was more partying following the "happy hour" which goes on a for 2 hours!!! and more..  then back to the camp and cook (heat up a tin)...  and then on into the night... I had to give up by 10pm , I just can't stand the pace....  All the girls attending a "ladies only" event which was run by the 4 x 4 people, I don't think they appreciated the biker girls and I think they were asked to leave.....  Good on you girls...

Today will be more wandering around, drinking coffee, chatting and generally doing bugger all.  Bye y'all

Let the party begin...

Good morning Reader,

So many motorcycle celebs in one place and the party began...
They included Ted Simon, Carla King (American Borders) Sam Manicom, Simon and Lisa Thomas (2 Ride the World - 13 years on the road and still going), Denelle Lynn she now holds the record for the most miles ridden in one country - 15,000 miles around one country in a year and so many that I was introduced to but can't remember names.   

A great bunch of guys and the party went on into the night... Well 11 o'clock actually...

During the day I had a quick walk around and the site started to fill up as the event actually starts today.. So lots to see...   The weather is ok but very chilly at night...  And there is a promise of high winds tomorrow which I hope will cease for Monday so I can ride north to Monument Valley with scaring myself fartless.......

More later from the Overland Expo 2016....

Celebs at the Cool Camp"

And little old me..........

Thursday 19 May 2016

Go Morning from Mormon Lake Arizona

Dear reader,

Well we are here at Overland Expo 2016.   All four of us rode up from Cottonwood to Mormon Lake yesterday after lunch.  They all wanted to get videos and photos done whilst riding through the woods and on the gravel and dirt, but not before riding the Interstate at a quicker pace that Madiba and I are used to... It starts to vibrate a little at 65 and really does rattle at anything over 70...

The ride through to woods turned out very good and the new knobbly tyres did their thing... a little dodgy in the mud though but just me being over cautious.  I will try to get some of the video and photos sorted once I have the camera and phone batteries recharged, and downloaded from the guys cameras.

At present I am sitting in an arm chair in the laundry room - it is warm and has power sockets.

Last night was quite cold at about 4c and I needed a few layers on to sleep... but the sun is now up and the people are starting to arrive as the event starts properly in the morning.  Registration starts at noon today...

So not a lot to report at present, so will add more later... With some photos..


Wednesday 18 May 2016

Tuesday 17 May 2016

It's raining here!!!

Just got back from a ride to Sadona .... Back at base now and it's raining...