Sunday 26 June 2016


I appear to have missed so much on my trip.... Shootings in Orlando, floods in Texas and West Virginia and super heat with wild fires in California........

Madiba in still in LA awaiting clearance and paperwork back from US Customs....

Thursday 9 June 2016

Last days riding....

Another early start... And onto the 101 South and hopefully the PCH..
Well yes we did find the PCH but mist and cloud put all hopes of the wow factor in the bin. The first bit of it was ok except the whole sea side of the road was lined with those huge RVs, nose to tail over the entire length, with the occasional portaloo and old lady in a hoody walking a dog... So much for that....

So back onto he 101 and locate breakfast and a break from riding.... So instead of going back onto the 101 we turned off onto Route 23 which turned out to be empty and very very narrow and twisty over the hills before dropping very dramatically down to the coast and more Route 1 PCH. Onwards through well known beaches which, frankly did not impress me at all.... Miles and miles of Malibu beaches full of sea facing houses, surfing shops, tacky signs and lots of litter..... Next time someone say "you really must ride the PCH" I will just have decline,, politely of course.

Then back onto the 101 for the last tricky bit, getting into LA with getting lost or killed... Some of the roads a 6+ lanes wide... With lots of boy racers and impatient drivers, although on the whole I think American drivers are far better than those in the UK.

So here I now sit at a Motel waiting for a room to be readied, then I will sort out the kit and bike and deliver it to the shippers this afternoon. Madiba has done me proud all the way across the USA. Just one flat battery - and that was my fault. What an excellent bike.... I just need to gather my thoughts about the trip, the kit, the people, the places, the high times and the low times... I will try to do this whilst flying home to my dearest Wife and Daughters who I have missed so much....


Nigel, Madiba and Gertie... and thank you the people in America that made me so welcome (except for Adolf Park Ranger)

Odometer at end 76933

Journeys End - LA California

Well done Madiba... and Gertie Garmin - I could not have done it without you.


Not an Adventure Rider but a rider on an Adventure

Wednesday 8 June 2016

California Dreamin' - Carpintera

I slept well last night and therefore, after a coffee, we made a very early start (6:30am) to try and get ahead of the coast traffic towards LA...   5 miles down the road and it's foggy and cold - and that was not expected... Jumped onto Route 101 South and climb over towards the Pacific Coast.. could not see the sea through the mist...  

Then we arrived at Pismo State Beach.. It looked good from the road and a good spot for a photo..  We pulled off into the park and met with the man in the kiosk wearing a hat like Yogi bear has (let's just call him Adolf shall we)...  I explained that I had just ridden across the USA and would like to get a picture of me and the bike next to "his" Pacific Ocean....  That will be $10 said he, trying to hide his 'jobs worth attitude behind a fake smile'......  But I will only be 10 minutes I said ..  We don't do a 10 minute ticket so it will be $10....  With that we performed a perfect slow U-turn and gesticulated to him as we rode off....  As***le.....

Then I thought we would ride to Route 1 and get some scenery... Onto the 1 heading through Guadalupe - which when translated means "smells like cabbage".   This is the fruit and veg centre of California... miles and miles of Strawberries, Blueberries, Lettuce and Cabbages, not at all scenic...  Plus sand dunes complete with mist.....   Ah well back onto the 101 and the building morning traffic..  Finally dropped off the 101 at Carpintera to refuel and find a Motel for the night...  Now just 80+ miles from our final destination...

The bags have been unpacked and laid it out, and the food stuffs etc have been dumped and some of the clothing too as I don't want that to be seen in my luggage at the airport !!  Now, what to carry home and what to leave with the shippers.

Looks like I have missed the bad storms on the East Coast and the North and the extreme high temperatures in the mid USA.  102 degrees in Las Vagas!!

Just had a walk down to the beach to get a picture ----  mist on the hills and oil rigs off shore.... not too scenic either....

Tuesday 7 June 2016

Another long but enjoyable day...

We started off early this morning 6:30 in an attempt to miss the queues going into Yosemite Park... We got there so early that the paying booth was shut.. $20 saved.

It was a lovely ride into the mountains, just a steady climb, and lots to see.. Not too many places to stop on the way... We reached the heart of the park ; the Yosemite Village and campgrounds - and despite it being very early the campers / RV people were everywhere, in the trees, in the carparks, swarming everywhere - not for me and we we're away to Route 41, up, up and even more up before what seemed to be an endless down hill run to Fish Camp and Oakhurst (breakfast time) - and again I get the old chap that used to have a motorcycle and wished he could go on a long ride... Maybe I will he said and off he went...

Now it was starting to get hot again... Back onto the 41 to Fresno - another town that looked better from the interstate.... Once out the other side... The road was straight and very very boring... all the way to Stratford and Kettleman City (not really a city: just a collection on gas stations and diners). From here on, the road was seriously bleak across the desert and the Kettleman Hills, mile after mile of scrubland.

We then entered Paso Robles for some more gas... I seem to be riding from tank to tank... Onto the busy Route 101 South... Passed Atascadero and then back into hills to the campsite at Santa Margarita Lake and yet another expensive 5 square meters of dirt.... ah well...

For those that are following this on the map, you should now be on Page 52... square A1... Tomorrow we are aiming for Santa Paula camp site, via Route 1 and Route 101 , before braving the ride into Los Angeles after the morning rush hour on Thursday.... Or maybe the state park camp site at Malibu !!! I bet the price there is ridiculous..... Now let's check that map...

Temperature is 90 in the shade and the odometer is 76678

Yosemite Park.... Pronounced Yos-e-mighty Park

In the park at 7am.. Missed the crowds on the road.... Words are not enough to express the size, scale, enormity of this place..

Gertie Garmin✊

She does not like the heat,,,, the mileage may be right but the maximum speed is definitely up the creek!!!! 😄😄😄

Yosemite - Mariposa California

Left Lake Tahoe after an early shower in the cool of the morning and immediately started to climb up to the snow line... and beyond... passed Echo Lake, and then Emmett's Pass (8731 ft). Route 4 starts and finishes as a good wide road but the bit in the middle sometimes gets down to very narrow minor road with hundreds of twists and turns both going up and then coming down.... with a lot of false summits on the way... I thought for one moment that I was going to run out of petrol but was saved to the gas station at Bear Valley (coffee and a Danish). I met with two sports bikers and they were about to go over Emmett's Pass again... Good guys.

Coming down off the mountain towards Moccasin the temperature got hotter and hotter as with climbed up and back down toward Mariposa. Passed an accident on the way; looked like a sports biker and pillion missed a downhill left hander and packed the bike into a tree. Both were walking wounded and being assisted by two other vehicles... Slower still as I carried on....

Time to stop as it is so hot out there..... I found a campsite and they were even more expensive than the last... California is taking the piss with the cost of a pitch for a tent.... Even the cabins were very expensive and they didn't even have a/c or a TV.. Bugger that I thought so I headed into Mariposa and started going from Motel to Motel looking for a room. Finally found one only a little more expensive than the camp site... I have a/c, Wifi and a TV.... Now watching Gladiator in the cool... and there is a restaurant next door - so that is supper sorted out....

Checking the maps for tomorrow and I will ride into Yosemite Valley in the morning and then down to Fresno and to the Sequoia Park. Then I will look at the map and clock again...

Nearly time to go home...

Monday 6 June 2016

Lake Tahoe Califonia

Good evening reader,

Despite going to bed very early I managed to sleep through until 7am this morning...  Not a lot going on at the campsite and in the forest it was blacker than a witches' arm pit.

I set off about 8:30 and straight into a very loud and wet thunder storm.   I took shelter in a gas station and sat it out with a large cup of coffee.  I donned waterproofs and set off towards Susanville and of course by this time the sun was hot and I was roasting... So stopped for another cup of coffee and to send the blog and emails that could not be sent the night before.   Having ridden along what appeared to be endless roads through very long hot valleys we crossed back over into Nevada for a short time... Gertie Garmin was having another fit and insisted we took the interstate passed Reno and Carson City... They don't look very inviting places.... It was bloody hot and they are surrounded by snow capped mountains...  and the interstate was very busy... At last we turned off and started to climb up towards Lake Tahoe - I think we got to 6100 feet before starting down to the lake.  Then we found ourselves in amongst a large peddle cycle race down the hill into town... The lake looked good but was full of holiday makers ... Like Blackpool Pleasure beach....  Luckily the camp site is 8 miles out of town.... Mind you it is expensive for a bit of dirt and no electric or water !!

So now to look at the maps as some of the passes are closed through Yosemite...  My choices are take Route 4 which I know is open and the visit the Park from the west side...  Or ride down to Mono lake and see if the 120 is open....   Google it is then..

Nite nite

Saturday 4 June 2016

Mount Lessen - Shingleton - California

Good morning Dear reader,

An early start in the mist and cold this morning.. then up into the Shasta-Trinity National Forest... Lots of biker roads with twists and turns, steep uphills and even more downhills.. I had a good breakfast at Weaverville... Why does the deaf, ex biker always have to shout at me across the room.... It is amazing how many people would love to ride across their own country or another country but just have not got around to it.... and for most I think they have left it too late!!!

Climbing over the pass after Whiskeytown it was all stop for road works... The temperature was over 80 as we waited for about 30 minutes to get through... and then to our horror, there was no road, just earth, rubble or gravel and the big machines were still working..... What a nightmare... Soon afterward I was in Redding and the heat was intents so I did not stop but rode on to the campsite.... It is starting to cool down now... I must go a get more water for tomorrow... So not a very exciting day, just one of those days when the miles have to be covered and there is not much to see... If I had taken the coast road, the scenery would have no doubt been good but I just did not fancy riding through San Francisco but I did want to see Yosemite Park, the ghost town of Brodie and Mono Lake. Then further south is the Giant Sequoias, before cutting back across towards the West Coast.. Onwards we go....

Odometer 75965

Tomorrows route is Susanville, then Truckee and finally Lake Tahoe. I think we actually cross back into Nevada for a short time around Reno and Carson City..

Eureka in California

Well here we are in the 19th State to be visited during this trip... Today is the 3rd of June and it is our 27th Wedding Anniversary - Debbie and I that is; not Madiba and I.....  To celebrate I am tucking into a tub of Ben & Jerry's Chocolate Fudge Brownie ice cream... Apparently it has to be eaten within 30 minutes of opening... I will give it a try...  Well this is California after all.

I got up early and packed, rode into town for coffee and a yoghurt... Then off the the Honda shop - they start at 7:30am here...  Excellent service from the staff and it was all done by 9am..  I was even given a Honda Coos Bay tee shirt (Photo to follow)...  Many thanks Mike, Gary and all  the staff at Coos Bay Honda 😃😃. I am so pleased that I got the bike cleaned before taking it in..  It does look good.....

Then started the shortish ride down the 101 South towards Crescent City.. Most of the ride was in sunshine and the views were great but there was a lot of sea fog drifting over the road.  When not in the sunshine it was bloody cold...  I stopped for lunch at Brookings and met a couple of nice guys and we talked about bikes and stuff, and where to visit etc...  One was a bit deaf so the conversation was repeated many times and loudly!!!   I left and passed through a couple of Redwood Forests with their huge trees..  very impressive.... I arrived at Crescent City at about 1:30pm - far too early to stop for the day so a decision was made to ride on to Eureka...   Nothing very exciting but a lot more fog...

I am now at the campsite and all set up...  Tomorrows plan is to ride to Redding but that is only  100 miles away... But the roads look twisty and there are a few hills to climb..  After that the next town is Susanville over near the Nevada border but that is 255 miles away.. But there is a State Park in between...  ah, got it, there is a site at Mt Lessen Park and that is just 185 miles... All sorted...

Odometer is 75783 

Friday 3 June 2016

Coos Bay..

Pretty sort place....

And the man wot cut my hair ...  No computer here... note the till.... He's been cutting hair in the same shop in Coos for 25 years....

Thursday 2 June 2016

Coos Bay Oregon

Dear Reader,

A pleasant but cold ride up to Florence, over the hills and through the forests.  Still the best looking State so far... Arrived at the coast line a got a fleeting view of the Pacific Ocean on the way up to Florence....   Arrived at the town for lunch...  The camp site was dedicated to sand dune activities... Not my style at all... Decided to head south to Coos Bay Area...   Found a site near the town....  Walked into town and found a barber shop for a much needed haircut... will save the beard for later...  I also found a car wash and they will give the bike a bit of attention tomorrow ready for the Honda Service on Friday and last but not least a Pizza shop for this evening.... All set for a rest up here until Friday afternoon when we head south.... somewhere....

Afternote: Lucky thing.... I stopped for fuel and as usual removed the tank-bag, but this time I put it on the top box..... Big mistake.... I forget to replace it.... and then rode 35 miles with the tank-bag just sitting on there..... but the weight must have held it in place..... it only contained; iPad, maps, Camera, Go-pro camera..... Whoops

Non-riding day tomorrow ....

Odometer. 75554

Wednesday 1 June 2016

Florence on the Pacific Coast

Dear Reader, I am having an early lunch in Florence and can see the Pacific.... Only one direction now South(ish)....

Crater Lake Oregon

Good morning readers,

A very cold night, ended up wearing nearly all my clothes...  A long ride today... too long, but the ride up and the views over Crater Lake were worth it.... beyond words really ...  The original plan was to camp at Crater Lake but the campground had pitches but each was within snow banks and looked soooooooo cold and so many mosquitos.   I had lunch and then rode down on the mountain and out of the park....  passing through Diamond Lake, Steamboat and Glide... A fabulous bikers road, it must have been 35 miles of downhill clear roads and sweeping bends, through pine forests on all sides. Then into Roseburg... Very hot and very tired... Now in a Travel lodge with the a/c on.

Tomorrow I will ride up to Florence on the Pacific Coast for Wednesday night and then down to Coos Bay for Thursday night...   Well that's the plan so far.....