Thursday 31 May 2018

Billings Montana

Good evening dear reader,

I am currently sat on a very hard bench, watching a storm approach, the forecast for tomorrow and certainly Friday for this area is not good.
Anyway, I arrived at the house a little early but that was OK, then the bike was secure in the garage and I was shown to my room.  A big soft bed and the use of my own bathroom.  We had a very pleasant evening , we had supper and then chatted for a while about our trips and stuff and we both knew so many of the same people.  I retired at a sensible time and just loved getting into a warm and soft bed with proper pillows.

In the morning after a good nights sleep and cup of tea and a banana for breakfast and it was time to bid farewell to my host, and I would like to thank her for the hospitality, it really is a lovely house.  I made my way out of Rapid City and cruised through Sturgis (not a lot happening there).  So I made my way onto the 212 to Billings via Alzada and Broadus.   By now I had passed from South Dakota, clipping the corner of Wyoming and then into Montana.  More very bleak views on both sides until I reached the Custer National Forest, where it started to get more interesting with rolling hills and trees.   Just to make it more interesting they had dug up about 3 miles of the road and had not yet put any tarmac down, so that counts of my bit of off roading for today, good job it was dry!!!

At the end of the 212 was the Little Bighorn Battlefield Memorial, I was impressive but the heat was so oppressive that I hid the the visitor centre and then snapped a few photos and left.  In the photo you can see some the grave stones and on the left of the picture is the actual battlefield.   Too hot to hand around.  Back on the road  for the final leg to Billings,  The route took me for 315 miles and 6 hours but it could not be helped as there is just nowhere to go.

I arrived at the camp site and pitched the tent and had a very hot and welcome shower, before settling in to sort out emails and plan the route for the next couple of days.   My thinking at present is to head down and through Yellowstone Park and then camp over somewhere, then head further South through Teton Park and start heading West for another short day and a stop.  Then on day three ride into Mountain Home Idaho to stop before heading back North through the state of Idaho and towards Oregon / Washington of where ever..  Yet to be decided….

Tuesday 29 May 2018

Rapid City - South Dakota

Good afternoon dear reader,

I am another early start this morning but the Cafe of site was still not open - so off to Sundance for breakfast.  I found the status of the Sundance Kid and had breakfast at the cafe opposite.
Then on the road again heading for Spearfish, Deadwood and Mount Rushmore.   And yes, you guest it did pour with rain and I mean poured.  I stopped for fuel and talked to a Christian Biker, which was interesting.  Back on the road and yet more torrential rain. 

I rode up the Main Street of Deadwood and then stopped at the Deadwood Museum some very interesting items there.  Back on the bike and more rain ( I am beginning to get paranoid about this ).  I reached the Mt Rushmore National Park and because I is old I got in the $5 and the pass last for a year !!

This is the first miner to strike gold in Deadwood.

And these of those on the Monument, maybe one day D Trump will have himself added to the rock !!!

I met another biker in the carpark (Brian) and we chatted a while before I departed to Hill City in the rain…. It appears that the rain stops when I get off the bike, and it starts when I get back on.   Anyhow I an sitting in a Cafe with a much needed cup of tea, and wittering away on my Blog.

I believe that the place I am staying at this evening is not too far away from here.  The sun has come out but that's because I am indoors…

The bike is still  running well, but is a a bit of a mess and needs a hose down, maybe I will ride it through a car wash….   How about this for style over practicality…..

Well that it for now..     Goodnight…

Devils Tower - Wyoming

Dear Reader,

Yesterday afternoon turned out to be one mother of all storms with hail, rain, thunder and lightning, not forgetting to "Wyoming Winds".
I hid away in the tent and ate Pringles and listened to Podcasts of the News Quiz.

This morning after a hot shower I packed all away and was on the road for 7:30am, and within an 30 minutes the winds started and stayed that was for the next 3 hours.  I just did not enjoy that at all, and I could see the black clouds over to my left and then tried to race it but it caught up with me and I go soaked, what a difficult ride.   I finally got to Gillette and had to stop for a hot coffee, and then jumped onto the interstate to get to the Devils Tower via Sundance.

The rain then stopped and a little bit of sun came out.  Despite it being Memorial Day the town was empty….   So I will drive through it again tomorrow, and will stop and have and look around.  The plan is to ride the back roads to Sundance, Deadwood, Sturgis and Rapid City, where I have been invited to stop over with Michelle Lamphere and her husband.  She is a motorcycle traveller and the author of "The Butterfly Route" which is an excellent read.

I finally arrived at the campsite and then sun came out and I was in no mood to put up a tent so I changed to booking to a cabin, and you will have seen the view from the front door.   Amazing…

I have now eaten and need to decide if I am going to watch the film "Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind" that will be showing tonight in the shadow of the Tower itself.  Apparently some on the film was film from this campsite.  Hopefully a good nights sleep will follow.

Monday 28 May 2018

Sundance and Devils Tower - Wyoming

Short update whilst I await my washing to finish in the dryer. A horrid ride today - not fun at all so I booked into a cabin at the KOA and this is the view I get... more later

Sunday 27 May 2018

Casper - Windy Wyoming

Good afternoon dear reader from a very windy Wyoming,

After an interesting awakening this morning, feeling the need to visit the rest room for an early sit down, I was confronted by a rebellion tent, that refused to let me out with both zips stuck!!
I wrestled with then for what seemed to be ages before a very undignified exit and a quick trot across the field.   It is an old tent but I will see if I can make it last the trip, but I fear that this one "won't be going home".

I called in at Walmart to get some more lithium batteries for the Spot Nav, and it is going through then quite quickly as I am still unable to stop it reporting every 10 minutes instead of every few hours.

Then a slow ride through a very quiet town of Laramie, a coffee and a couple of hash browns, before exiting and proceeding north to Casper.   No sooner had I got out of town and on to the plains when the winds started and it continued for the whole 150 miles to Casper.   Just imagine if you would riding 150 miles with endless prairies for 30 miles on each side, the occasional change in direction, and the constant high winds as I rode along the Route 287 to Medicine Bow where thankfully there was I gas station, and then continued on Route 487 to Casper.  

I then took the opportunity to use the WiFi and Whats-app to phone home, which was great to get all the news and hear Debbie's voice.  It is now 3pm and the clouds are getting darker and they say that it is going to rain…. I think I will hit the showers and then retire to the camp lounge in the warm.

The plan for tomorrow is to ride from here to Devils Tower (as in Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind) and hopefully stay for a couple of nights, which will give me to opportunity to visit places in the area, like Stugis, Sundance, and Mount Rushmore and such like.

Sorry about the photo but I just didn't take any today - I was too busy wrestling the bike and the crosswinds..  I was not in the mood to take any snaps.

Good night,

Laramie Wyoming

Good evening dear Reader,

Two nights at one site was a good idea, a day off from riding was even better.   

A pleasant night, despite the cold and up early and a good hot shower, I had to wait a while for the sun to rise and dry out the tent and groundsheet.   So at 8am, I decided that I did not want to go via the main road to Granby (there was already a queue to get onto the pass).  So I decided to take the long route, so I headed south on the local route 7 through the forests and it was empty…. Brilliant … Lots of twists and turns, lots of peaks and passes but it did add about 100 miles to the route.   Finally joined the I-70 for about 10 miles and then headed north to Granby which was more steep climbs to the ski resorts up above the snow line and down again.  

I stopped for lunch at Granby then continued North over the Plains and into Wyoming with it's famous Wyoming Winds for about 80 miles of almost straight endless roads.  I suddenly remembered that I needed to take more photos, but that would be more pictures of endless roads but I did manage to snap one old building.   

I then tried to use the GoPro but the result was not good as the camera was crooked.   

So after many miles of cross winds I arrived at Laramie about 3pm..  The campsite is a flat field with no shade or shelter from the wind, so I am sitting in the games room until its time to go and cook supper.

I have sorted out a very short day for tomorrow and its is only 110 miles to Casper.  I had thought about booking a Motel/Hotel for the night but they all had Memorial Day prices of over $100 per night.  So that treat will have to wait until Wednesday or Thursday…

Friday 25 May 2018

Estes Park Colorado - Day 2

Good day Reader,

Last night was fun as there was a wine tasting at the site, the local wine was good, but at $6 a glass I would hate to think how much a bottle would be.  After that I sat a chatted to a group of people and then turned in at about 9pm.  Making sure to add extra layers first.

After a goodnights sleep, even though it was very cold, and there was ice on the bike seat this morning, the sun soon got everything hot again.
I spent some time sorting out my kit in the panniers trying to find the 1/4 of stuff that I don't need.  Found some but not a lot.   Then I topped up the oil and re-tensioned and oiled the chain.
By then it was time for some exercise - so I walked into town via the lakeside (so very picturesque) and then found an ATM and a cold drink and breakfast, then walked back.  I even bought saw an Elk grazing by the side of the road.  I called in at the Mountain equipment shop across the road and bought my supper "Backpackers Pantry" - Kathmandu Curry !!!   Just add hot water - I will let you know how that goes!!!

The Campsite staff are so friendly and welcoming.  Today is Friday and they are expecting a rush of people this afternoon as it is Memorial weekend (like our Bank Holiday I suppose), so it should be very busy later.  I will walk down to reception to send this as the WiFi at this end of camp is none too good.

Tomorrow the plan is to ride over the pass to Granby and then north to Walden and then a Campsite at Laramie in Wyoming.   After that I should be heading toward South Dakota - I think…

Estes Park Colorado

Good evening dear reader,

After yesterday's long hours in the saddle today was going to be shorter, but it didn't end up that way.  I had a poor nights sleep as it turned very cold and damp in the night.   I stayed in my sleeping bag for as long as I could and finally got out at 8:00 and was on the road for 9:00.  I found some fuel and and some fruit, and then started a long climb up through the passes.  I had to stop half way just to have a break and put on some more clothes.  As usual the scenery was fantastic from up there.   I reached Salida and had a cold drink in McDonalds then headed out on the 24 towards Leadsville where I had intended to camp but it was too early to stop..  so on I went heading for the next Campsite on my list and that was in Longmont, only when I got there it did not exist, so back to the list and located another at Este Park yet another 35 miles on…

Ah well I saw some great scenery and was riding above the snow line for some of the way and even the lakes are still frozen.  Anyway I am here and I am staying two nights and not riding at all tomorrow.

The I will be riding around to Granby then taking the 125 to Walden and then heading for Laramie.  I am not how far that it but I think it only 200 miles, and hey presto I will then be in Wyoming.

I will recap some more tomorrow and I am doing bugger all and the washing….  Life of the road huh..

Thursday 24 May 2018

Gunnison Colorado

Dear Reader,

Had a quiet night, and as per usual I packed up early,  said goodbye to Pablo and rode off looking for breakfast.  The headed south for a few miles (I trust you are following this on the map) then turned
Left and headed towards Naturita ( where I stopped for fuel just like I did in 2016).  Chatted to a couple of curious bikers on big Harleys before carrying on to Ridgeway.  On the way you pass by Paradox and Bedrock and then you drop down into this fabulous valley and then ride for 35 miles in a straight line..  amazing ….  After stopping for coffee at Ridgeway I headed up to Montrose and then the campsite a Gunnison - camping on grass - very nice.   Had great shower and done laundry and now sitting as its only 5pm, blogging and trying to sort out the inReach as I think it is still reporting every 10 minutes - if I don't get it sorted I will have a large bill to pay at the end.  I have tried to get advise from the supplier but I was given the Microsoft solution of trying turning in off and then back on again……

After riding for too long yesterday; I only rode from 8:30 til 14:00 today but even that was too much as it was quite windy on some of the roads.  Tomorrow is a short day of just 150 miles to the Leadville area.

Wednesday 23 May 2018

Moab in the afternoon

Rode for two days only to meet up with Pablo and his friend camping at the same site as I... small world....

Moab Utah

Dear Reader,

Following a very long but satisfying 7 hours of riding I finally arrived in Moab.  I left Panguitch at about 7:30 this morning and took the 12 through Bryce Canyon which was spectacular, and rode through until it changed to the 24 and was equally brilliant until it reached the I-70.  I stop many times for the view and to take pictures and even met a couple from Suffolk at the top of one of the passes. I think this was one of the best scenic routes I have ever riding, absolutely fantastic and not to be missed.  I followed with windy I-70 through Green River and turned off and rode down to Moab and arrived about 4pm

I will try not to work out how many miles I rode today but it was too many but worth it.  Whilst riding the bike clocked up 60,000 kms and I reached the first 1,000 miles this trip.

Tomorrow I am heading into Colorado and should be stopping in the Gunnison area.  Now to hit the showers and cook some food before it gets dark.

Nite nite..

Tuesday 22 May 2018

Day what ever - Panguish Utah

Dear Reader,

After another cold night, I was up at 6am.. Had a cup of tea with some of the other early risers and then set about packing the bike and tent.  By the timeI had finished that more campers were awake and I did the rounds saying goodbye.   They are a great bunch of people, so kind, friendly and genuine.     Time to hit the road, well almost hit the ground and I was too hasty on the sand exiting the campground and was nearly on my arse. 

I rode up the 89 and 89a going North where the plan was to camp at Jacobs Lake, it was only 150 miles or so, and the plan was to immerse myself in a hot shower and do my washing.   I don't think I have ever felt  so dirty, I hope I didn't smell….   Anyhow, when I got the the site it was a tourist trap and a state campsite with not showers and only drop toilets… bugger - so I logged onto the inter web and booked myself into the KOA at Panguish in Utah - a further 105 miles on.  The northern part of Arizona and the southern part of Utah are fantastic with Great Plains and fabulous views of high rocks and valleys.  

Arrived at Campsite and once the tent was sorted I hand a very long and hot shower…. Much needed and much enjoyed..  Then sorted out the laundry which was good as I was down to my last pair of shreddies.. Now sitting in the shade sorting out emails and the blog.  I stopped on the was to get some fuel at this Gun Shop.. apparently Guns, Ammo and Beer all go together !!  

Tomorrow I back track 7 miles and then ride along the edge off the Kaiparowits Plateau, through Escalante, Hanksville, and Green River before dropping down to Moab.  I may even get into Arches National Park.  Good Night..

Sunday 20 May 2018

Sunday - Overland Expo 2018

Good morning dear reader,

Its now 11:30 in the morning here at Flagstaff.   Last night was the Moto Dinner event and a great time was had by all, there was a raffle with some fabulous prizes and as usual I was close but not close enough.  Walking around the site there was some impressive but impractical vehicles and I had to include this one…. A snip at $1.5m…. At about $500 just to fill the diesel tank, and a 3ltr turbo V8 engine I would hate to think what it does to the gallon.

This morning was the breakfast walk where traders lay on breakfast and drinks for free.  Then I walked over to see the Off Road Challenge which was so difficult I have no idea how anyone got around.
Back at the campsite people are starting to pack up and go, I will be leaving in the morning and heading up to Page KOA.  This site is great but there appears to be a distinct lack of facilities for campers, i.e Showers, sinks and on-site shops.   So I will book in to Page KOA and get was washing done, have a good shower and wash some of this fine dust off everything.

So there you are for today… I will wander around and go back to the campsite and sort out the inside of the tent which looks a wreck.

I will hopefully write again when I get to Page.

Friday 18 May 2018

Friday OX 2018

Good afternoon dear Reader,

We arrived at the XO campground along with hundreds of others, we finally got to the designated Moto Camping ground and pitched the tents. We took a walk down the the Showgrounds where most people were just setting up.. We managed to find a food stall that was working and had a lovely pizza and a beer. Then was back to the campsite for a while before turning in for the night.

A good nights sleep and a early start, the wind had lessened and the the sum is hot again. I have walked into the show ground twice so far, the first time I cam back with Randy Perkins as his bike for stuck, but I managed to kick start that. So back down to the show as this morning the petrol stove decided it did not want to play and just flared up, much to everyone horror as they are very worried about fires here. I stripped it down and tried to clean it but no progress, so I fear that the petrol stove is a goner and consigned to the dumpster. I picked up a couple of butane canisters to go with my spare burner.

I was looking at a Camelback in town the other day but thought better of it as they were over $100…. Today at the show I found a biker one for just $35.. result…

I am now sitting in the shade doing this blog before going back down to the show ground - there are thousands and thousands of people there and many more just queuing to get in….

The pictures are of the bear at Woody's campground and a very strange stand at the show, selling and toilet roll holder that you hand around your neck…

I will try to chat later but I have not found any WiFi here yet...