Friday 28 June 2019

28 June - Romania

Failed attempt to ride the famous Transfargarasam pass - and the a Thunder storm just to complete my day....

28 June - Romania

Dear Reader,

The sun rises very early at this time of the year and it crept over my window sill at 5am.... and the rain had passed . So up and at 'em I thought and by the time I had lugged all my baggage down to the car park, packed the bike and refuelled, I was on the road at 6:30... no too many trucks about at this time.

I rode until I needed fuel and breakfast. Consumed that while trying to casually massage my bum !!! It must get easier... or is there a lotion I should be using!

The plan was to head for the Transfargarasam pass which worked well and we found the 7C and started to climb up the twisties - until about 5 miles up and they had closed the road (could they not have signed that at the bottom of the climb). I bet the chap I passed on the bicycle was pissed off when he got there!!! So back down and retrace my track for about 40 miles.

Not all was lost as the views from the road down to Pitesti through the Parcul National Cozia were fabulous. I passed through the middle of Pitesti and although the signs for the bypass are there and Garmin thinks the road is there - I can assure you that it ain't..... lots a bulldozers and concrete but no road... this caused great problems for the trucks and the presence of numerous Romany families with carts and multiple horses trotting sedately on the road did not help matters.

Later on the sky got darker and then the proceeding wind blew and again a huge thunder storm. It was impossible to ride as the roads were flooded and visibility crap. So I sought shelter, along with 4 other bikers, under a petrol station awning. The rain just got heavier still so we all went inside for coffee and cakes. They were nice people and very chatty. Their problem was that they we dressed in summer biker jackets and jogging pants - and they were soaked.

The rain let up enough to ride on but only for 20 miles and I hit the rest of the storm again...  I sort shelter at a petrol station with a flooded forecourt. Sod this for a game of soldiers. Retreated to the motel next door and took a room.... one drenched biker now trying to dry out. The manager did help me park the bike in his wood shed under lock and key.

Now having dined I am fighting technology, Garmin and the Wi-fi.

I am now within reach of the Bulgarian border and Motocamp Bulgaria where I hope to meet up the Greg and Mel and stop for day or two.....

Nite nite

Thursday 27 June 2019

27 June - Mother of all storms overhead - Slovakia, Hungary and Romania

Started out a 7:30 in a attempt to make up time - some hope.   First of all I could not find my keys, so I searched about, partly unpacked and then located them hanging around my next …. Doh 

Travelled through some wonderful country side and over some twisty passes, only spoilt by so many trucks, roads works and a sore arse.   By the time 4pm rolled in I was done for… saw a motel and went for it, its a bit seedy but it will do.   No sooner had I taking the bags off the bike than the mother of all storms hit very suddenly.  High winds started to blow all the outside furniture about and then followed the lightning and heavy rain….  Good plan not to camp tonight… call me soft but I don't care.

A shower, a beer and a meal sorted and now watching MASH on the TV.    I am hoping to ride the Transfagarasan Route tomorrow. So if the spelling is wrong there.  Looks like I will not get to Motocamp until last of Saturday.   The I plan to stay a few nights and then have much shorter riding days.

27 June - near Cluj-Napoca

MotoRest cabin in Slovakia and local buildings in Romania.

Wednesday 26 June 2019

26 June - Czechoslovakia still

After a night of worry I arrived at the Bike Shop and waited from them to arrive. Nice chap Martin (my hero) arrived and I unloaded the bike a placed it in a wonderful workshop. Yes, new chain required as the front sprocket was moving on the drive shaft causing the chain to hit the casing.... bugger.
But worse was to come the front sprocket was not secured to the drive shaft and I was able to just pull it off... bugger again. New drive shaft and gasket set, new front sprocket needed so I might as well have a rear sprocket too .... but only the chain in stock - but all could be order with only a 10 day wait.

So new chain fitted and off down the road to the welding shop - great guys - the sprocket and drive shaft at now one - should hold until back in the UK. Welding free of charge. Chain etc just €142 - a bargain.

I got back on the road at 11 and rode till I had had enough of Gertie who refused to go where I wanted but insisted on road 14 with lots of twisties and then refused to go on the southern route , so the north route it was - nearly into Poland and close to the border with Ukraine !! But the views of the Capathian mountains were fabulous - even the view from the petrol station was stunning.

Just a thought - this week I have seen:
. Elephants by the side of the road with a circus
. I saw a fight as a man ejected from a tram by the police in Prague for openly drinking beer.
. I met the wonderful Martin at All4Moto in Trencin.
. Some wonderful welders who would not take payment.
. Some true bike roads and brilliant country side.

I am now at a MotoRest in Branisko (€14 a night) and €4 for supper. Now off the bed... a long day again tomorrow - heading for Hungary and maybe Romania....

Tuesday 25 June 2019

25 June - Czechoslovakia and Slovakia

Why do all my short days turn out long !!
Started out at 8am but got very bogged down as Prague wanted to get to work and others were bumping into each other and causing major delays.

Headed for Brno and then to Trencin. I have a problem with the chain and was trying to locate a motorcycle shop or garage.... I thought my luck was it when I saw a huge sign so I followed it only to find out that it opens at 2pm : and it was only 10:30am... bugger. I hope it last until I can get it sorted!!

Gertie is still being a pain as this morning I discovered that all my music had disappeared along with my planned routes.... bugger I thought.

Anyway I made it to the camp site only to find it closed as they were having a music festival - back on the road and found another site in the town - next to the river and with a view of the castle. So hot now so I took a cabin which was cheaper than last night campsite. The only problem is it is infested the noises teenagers screaming and running around.. I pray for a quiet night.

Monday 24 June 2019

24 June - Prague

Good afternoon reader

I collapsed into the sleeping bag at about 9pm and apart from the mad Dutchman next door who decided to reposition his caravan at 10pm, it was a quiet night.

The inter web here is not too good - photos and alike will have to wait a while.

This morning I was playing the Tourist - I don't like touristy places and I am not very good at sight seeing. But I wandered about in the heat and took a few photos etc. It is very hot here at present and there are far too many people about.
The main fun was had trying to catch a bus and Metro at 7.30am and pay for them... luckily there was a young lady at the bus stop who was very helpful - I ended not paying for the bus ride and just about managed the underground.

 And I found my way back to the camp site too....

I really don't know how those Iron Butt riders do it - two long days and my back is buggered. It should be a short run tomorrow down to Brno and then into Slovakia.

Sunday 23 June 2019

Germany and Czechoslovak

Dear reader ,

What to say about today - well it rained all night, so it was a wet pack up this morning. I got on the road at 8am - I found it really hard to get out of bed this morning - too much time in the saddle yesterday. I knew it was going to be another long day today so I just had to get a grip and get going.

Found a nice road side cafe for breakfast and saw these two on a trailer ....

Saturday 22 June 2019

22 Jun - Luxembourg and Germany

Dear reader,

A good start deserves fresh socks and pants. As expected today was a very long day. Rode out early from that excellent campsite and within 10 minutes we were in Germany. Lots of twisty roads and highlands and valleys. We finally reached a hotel after about 5 hours riding, in the woods and stopped for a coffee and a bun. Lots of speedy bikes about as we were near to the Nurembergring. A lot more back roads and Gertie was determined to send me through every town that had road works. Lots and lots of Umleitungs (spelling?). Never did find that place!!

About 3 o'clock it started to rain and it just got heavier and heavier... until I arrived at the campsite, drenched. Found the pitch and a nice German couple helped me pitched the tent in the rain.

There was a country and western evening on at the site, with beer, currywerst and chips. I met up with the friendly Germans and we had a laugh about biking and Brexit !!!

I am now stood in the gents toilet charging my phone as I type. It has been a long hard day and there is another tomorrow as I head to Prague and the plan is to stay there for two nights - Monday's are non-riding days - I need to get some washing done.

Nite nite

Friday 21 June 2019

Belgium, France and Luxemberg

Good evening dear reader,
After a good meal and just the one beer I slept surprisingly well.  After packing up I had an early start at about 7:30.  For the first 30 miles it was all good and then the navigation went to pot as usual - we ended up heading the the middle of Lille…. So a quick escape saw us on a very busy motorway - with stop and start for about 10 miles due to road works….  Good job I don't mind filtering….  And I must remember not to do it in Germany.
We finally broke free of the main roads and back on the quieter back roads and ended up in Mons.   I worked at NATO SHAPE  for a few years - not a lot to see these days as the fences are so high and deep.  We rode on to Soignes where I used to live and the building is still there and looks quite good considering its age.  The town has grown so much, they even have a Lidl and a McDonalds - its amazing how thing change in just 40+ years (?)….  So it was back onto the highways and byways of Belgium and France and finally into Luxemberg.  Some would say its a bikers dream with so many twisty roads ?? I am not sure these days.
The camp site is great and I have a pitch next to the river and the sun is hot - what else could I ask for.
Tomorrow is into the Rheinland and hopefully as far as Mannheim and the southern Rihine although judging by today performance I think that might be a little to long in the saddle..

Nite Nite

Thursday 20 June 2019

20 June - France and Belgium

Good evening dear reader,

I had a very casual ride down to Folkestone and the Chunnel.   No sooner had I boarded the train then we were off.  Lots of bikers on board - not very talkative or interesting, mostly going to some sort of rally or a cannonball type event down to Nice.   Lots of wheelies on arriving in France (no me) - I just parked up and let Gertie Garmin sort herself out and and off we went - very little traffic, empty back roads to Ypres and the campsite.   I must sort Gertie out as Belgium appears to have disappeared from the screen??

Arrived at "Camping Ypra" - a very nice and clean campsite.  All sorted and now in the Reception having a Le Fort beer (Belgium tea) with a very noisy group of Belgians.  It is very sunny and warm and once I have had this beer it back to the tent to cook supper.
Tomorrow I am going to have a cruise around Mons, Casteau and Soignes - I served there with NATO way back in the '70s.  Then onwards and upwards to Luxemberg.

I will remember to stop and take photos - honest.

Nite Nite

Thursday 13 June 2019

HU UK 2019 - Thursday

Good morning dear reader,
It is now 5:30am and it has been heavy rain here for the last 12 hours... TIW (This is Wales).

Early morning ablutions done I am going back to bed !!!