Thursday 26 May 2022

2022 - France - last day

Well it had to be done…. The more I camped in the tent; the worse my back was getting - yesterday I was having issues with riding and braking with my right boot !!!

So after a long days ride and an overnight stop at Blois I headed for my last campsite at Alencon. I was having issues with the power supply to the Garmin, so I stopped in a small village and removed the front fairing, diverted another power supply to the Garmin and hey presto all sorted. No thanks to the 5 French bikers that just sat and watched from afar…….

I then stopped for lunch and asked Gertie Garmin the distance to Caen - 2.5 hours she said - so rather than pay for another night in the tent and a long wait until 3:30pm on Friday - I hit the road for Caen. I made the ferry with 25 mins to spare before it sailed.

A quick trip of 13 Days and 2600 miles. I did get to ride over the Millau bridge again and ride the Tarn Gorge , and I also rode the Route du Napoleon from Gap to Grenoble amongst some other very memorable mountain roads.

Meeting up with AJ Shaw and having a day off the bike was great and I haven't touched a beer since !!!!

Note to self - update your maps. My small AA edition is dated 2002 and my Michelin map is 2017 !


Tuesday 24 May 2022

2022 - France - Near Lyon..

After a pleasant nights sleep I woke feeling like a turtle stranded on its back. So many attempts to get out of bed and stand up…. 

I finally did it and after a hot shower I felt a little better, the breakfast was excellent and I was on my way by 8:15

The early part of the route from Gap to Grenoble is magnificent and the views are spectacular. I stopped off near Vienne for lunch and then the problems started, there must have been a major problem on the Lyon ring road as it was miles and miles of grid locked trucks near the centre causing traffic to back up onto all the slip roads in the area. They even closed the exit from one of the large service stops - a bit if cheeky riding needed after I re-fuelled. I took a few liberties with the Highway Code and back tracked about 20kms and headed for an alternative campsite to the right of Lyon. 

A very quiet site, that at 5pm appears to be filling up with more and more Dutch travellers. 

I did manage to find a motorcycle shop and gets some chain lube. 

Tomorrow I will be heading for Chatillion sur Loire - a medium ride but I am worried about my back giving up altogether - I have already started to walk like an old man !!!!! 

Monday 23 May 2022

2022 - France - Carpentras - Day 8

A very pleasant day off the bike yesterday in the company of AJ Shaw. We drank lots of coffee, we put the world to rights, drank more coffee and the had good meal at the campsite Restaurant . A great camp site (****). After a slowish start this morning we left the site at about 9am and rode together through Apt and then onto Sisteron. This is where AJ turned South to ride to Italy and I continued North to Gap. 

 I tried to find a motorcycle shop to get some engine oil and chain lube... Found one but as expected it was closed on Mondays!!! Picked some engine oil at the petrol station next door. I arrived at Gap only to find the two campsites I had chosen were both closed for various reasons and so I rode into Gap and found a new(ish) Hotel B&B just as it started to rain a little. 

 My back was painful this morning so I went against my doctors orders and purchased some Nurofen as paracetamol just was working. So I am now in Gap and tomorrow I'm am heading to the Lyon area via the Grenoble ring road.

Saturday 21 May 2022

2022 - France Day !!

Finally met up with AJ - we had a couple of beers and supper to try an ease my aching back…. It's a non-riding day for me tomorrow - I need to check oil and chain and then another sit in the pool…

Thursday 19 May 2022

France Day 4

After the thunder storm of last night which only stopped at about 7:30am, it took a little while to get going this morning.  When I left at about 9am the sky was still overcast and it was cold.   As I had added a better camp to my route it was going to take about 1.5 hours longer so I opted for the motorways.  It saved a lot of kms but I still had to suffer the M25(ish) traffic around Bordeaux.    After that is was the mind-numbing Toll roads going south - especially the A65… empty and boring.   I stopped to refuel and a coffee at a service area and met a chap (Stuart) who was asking about my bike.  He asked if I 'blogged' and I gave him my card although I can't see why any would be interested in my travels !!
I finally arrived at the Camping du Lac site and for the same price I managed to arrange for a cabin for the night - electric, large bed and cooking kit.   My tent is now laid out on the grass drying and after writing this I may well go for a beer.   It's another 300+ kms tomorrow but I am in no rush - and I will not be paying any tolls either.   Note for my readers who insist on checking my Grammer  and Smelling… get a life …..

Wednesday 18 May 2022

2022 - France Day 2 - Saumur

After a good nights sleep I woke early(ish). It was an excellent campsite ****. Packing up was good and slow, the sun was already warm.   I was on the road for 8:30 heading generally South, taking the minor roads where possible and avoiding the big towns.

The problem with minor roads is that they rarely have petrol stations or McDonalds!!!  I had to double back a bit to find the former, but did not find the later….

Not too much excitement except that on the quick D road my right hand decided to fall off - ah well I have another on the left….

I arrived at the next campsite to the east of Saumur and was immediately offered a large tent for the night at just €20.   Made use of the extra time and sunshine to dry off the condensation on my tent and re-pack it.

There appears to be no internet here so this will probably go in the morning.

Monday 16 May 2022

2022- France Day 1 - Falaise

Very smooth boat crossing only to be met by rain and winds in France..

Managed to start a new book on the boat.  Now at the first campsite near Falaise… and this is the view of my chateau from the big house on the hill….

2022 - French tour -Day 0 - Portsmouth

After the thunder storm last night it all appear quieter this morning. A damp ride to Portsmouth and I am now on the boat.

Wednesday 4 May 2022

France 2022 - Nigel’s off again

 It's all about the planning....