Tuesday 5 September 2023

Thursday 27 July 2023

Bulgaria Trip - Tue 25th - ENDEX

ENDEX and the repair to the bike held up for the 9 days it took to ride home…. but is was raining and the temptation was too great.  Booked the ticket from a petrol station near Reims.  Arrived in good time so that I had a moment for a cup of tea before boarding.  Total distance ridden was 4338 miles.

Was I worried ?…. not an all ?!?!?!?  The route home was more direct that I had planned but I just did not want the break down on a mountain track or on a long lonely road in the middle of nowhere.

Thank you Aaron, Jim, Roy, Gareth, Dave, Polly, Ivo and every one that helped. You must remember the Ratio of Watchers to Fixers is always 4:1. That gem I learnt that from Rebecca at the event.

The bike is booked in for a major service is a couple of weeks, and it surely needs it. 

Monday 24 July 2023

Bulgaria Trip - Mon 24th - Soissons

I managed to pack up the tent before the rain started - and did it rain !!! A proper job it was too, heavy rain, thunder and forked lightning…. Not sure if riding a motorcycle over the twisty hill was a good idea in that weather…. ah well the traffic was light.

So it stopped raining after about an hour then started again off and on for the rest of the ride to Soissons. Oh I forgot to mention the winds - bugger.

By noon the traffic was getting quite heavy, especially around Reims. I not sure I can get used to cars in the outside lane approaching at over 100mph. On moment you see them in your mirror and then whooosh there passing…. And of course driving up my exhaust when I am in their way !!?! 

A pretty empty car park .... motel not up to much either but it was very cheap..

All is well now and a simple run up to Camping Saint Louis near Par-de-Calais in the morning and the last night of the trip under canvas…

It'll probably rain !!!

Sunday 23 July 2023

Bulgaria Trip - Sun 23rd

Last nights camp site was nothing to write home about - the tent camping area appeared to be a bit of an after thought.   Just a rough piece of grass and nettles, and gravel path.   No power, no lighting, bugger all.   I was packed and ready to roll at 7am but had to wait for reception to open at 7:30….

I was going to camp near Villingen-Schwenningen but that means arriving at 1:30pm so I stopped at a petrol station for fuel, food and a ponder….  Ride on was the result… and on and on ….  Heading for Keyserburg where in stopped on Day 3.   It added a few mile to the day!!  Total 563kms in fact.    But I arrived in time to sort out the tent, shower and have a well deserved pint…. Not an early start tomorrow .

The weather was fine and a bit overcast until approaching France…. The wind is getting stronger and I think it might rain….

Again there is this idiot child here with a football just bouncing it… on and on and on….   

Tomorrow I'm am heading to Soissons and then on I am aiming for that quiet camp site near Calais ( where the bike had a bit of a lay down on the way out).  I will then unpack everything and sort it all out; if it's not raining.  I will the book the Chunnel and should arrive home sometime  on Wednesday afternoon.

Well thanks the plan….  

Saturday 22 July 2023

Bulgaria Trip - Sat 22nd

A good breakfast and 7:30 start. I headed north and then the border into Austria… there was no-one at the crossing point so I sailed through.   Heading for Salzburg was a boring ride although I must say the Austrian are well behaved drivers, no fuss, no agro and very polite.  It was a grey day and it rained as I road through the mountain passes and got very close to running out of petrol - thanks to them closing some petrol stations due to road works —- phew so close…

I missed the turn as I approached Salzburg so had to go around the ring road to get back on track (well done Gertie Garmin).  I managed over 500kms today !!!  I am getting used to this.

I found the camp site - yes; back in the tent after days a a/c, beds and cooked breakfast.  Motels etc are very expensive in this area.  

Pitched the tent, added more oil to the bike…. Sorted out the route for tomorrow… nothing booked but will see when I get there..   I think that tomorrow I ride passed the Airfield Hotel that I stayed at in Memmington in 2019, they have raised their prices somewhat… shame it was comfortable.  I had battery problems the following day I remember.

I am now sitting in the camp beer garden with a beer and some some food on the way.   I think some of these campers have been drinking all day !!!

Friday 21 July 2023

Bulgaria Trip - Fri 21st

An early breakfast and away by 7:30. I managed to navigate my way out of town - rule No 1. Stay away from tramlines and trams.

I got the the border at what looked like "shift change", lots of disinterested uniforms wondering about and lots of cars and trucks not moving…. It was now about 8:30 and the sun was getting a bit hot…

Finally through and a clear road ahead, it was going to be a long ride so I jumped on the M5 towards the Budapest ring road and then M7 to Nagykanizsa . I finally arrived at 2:15pm which was good as the placed opens at 2pm… but no, I forget that Hungary have different time zone - so off to the nearest petrol station for fuel and a couple of cold drinks whilst I wait. Now showered and sitting in an a/c room watching the practise for the Hungarian Grand Prix.

Out with the maps and plan tomorrow run into Austria and beyond. It's odd how it all changes when you finally turn for home…

Thursday 20 July 2023

Bulgaria Trip - Thu 20th

I can thoroughly recommend Casa Suzy & Roxy at Arpaşu de Jos.  It's very close the the Transalpina and the other one that I can't spell and it has secure parking for bikes.  The staff are welcoming, the beer is cold and the food is great - what more could you ask for.

Had a late start often breakfast and rode a very boring A1 (with a bit of over the hills diversion) and even stopped for lunch.  

It was hot when I left, then it became overcast, then it rained a little and it was hot when I arrived in Arad.

I managed to lease my electrical adapter plugged in the wall when I left, but a luck would have it there is an electrical shop next to the hotel….

Had a brief walk around the area - but it's a little way out of the centre.

A great shower, large TV, air conditioning, good bed..  ah adventure travelling in on the up!!  Thanks to my old friend: the late Colin Hitchcock…

Tomorrow I cross in Hungary and may even get as far as Austria….