Sunday 16 June 2024

France Day 11

Well what a long day that was…. It started off wet and just got wetter and wetter the further north I travelled.

Visited Oradour-sur-Glane (Martyred Village) and the weather matched the somber mood of the place. Just ponder on this : it was alleged that one German Officer was captured, they retaliated by slaughtering 600+ people from this village!! 80 years on and the same thing is happening in another place. "Never again" and "Lest we Forget" appear to be hollow sentiments …. We just don't learn….

So it's still chucking it down with rain, onwards and upwards we rode. We arrived in Saumur soaking wet and in need of a cup of tea. The idea of putting up the tent in a rain storm just ain't going to happen. So Googled for a cheap Hotel and found one just a few miles away - I confirmed the booking and arrival time was 4pm… I don't suppose that means French time!!! I arrived and waited until 5:30 for them to open up - no apology expected or received !!! Now I know why it is cheap…. PS the "en suite" translated means it down the hall !?!?

Slight change of plan ( as expected by those that know me) I catch the ferry at 4:30 tomorrow - riding all day in the rain is just no fun - wet gloves, wet bum, wet boots and wet socks. Next time I'll leave the Altbergs at home….