Wednesday 12 June 2024

France Day 7

A chilly night but very quiet. I was on the road by 8:30. Topped up the tank just out of habit really. Then we rode through the Tarn Gorge, spectacular sights but hardly anywhere safe to stop for a Kodak moment. The weather was brilliant sunshine but the winds were a bit naughty - it appears not to have much effect on the Tenere - unlike the Africa Twin.

Gertie Garmin decided to take us on the D63 as a sort cut !!! Lots of warning signs about danger and hazards … we went up up up then down, then up and over, many a hairpin !!! We finally arrived at Ales for lunch, then doubled back avoiding the D63.

We arrived at Mende and found a nice little campsite "Camping Tivoli" just outside town.

It's now 4pm and almost time to cook supper…. Tomorrow we ride to Aurillac via St Flour…