Tuesday 10 September 2024

2024 - A visit to Bletchley Park

I decided it was about time I revisited Bletchley Park (home of the WW2 code breakers) and the National Computer Museum that is on the same site.

I decided to stay over at my favourite camp site at Oxhill for a couple of nights and David joined me. It was a gentle ride up and the weather was good. We set up, had supper and lite a fire. It started to rain but luckily I had packed the tarpaulin.

Next morning we set off to ride to Bletchley Park - so many roundabouts as you approach the outskirts of Milton Keynes!! We had a really good look around at both museums. It really is a good place to visit. It has got so much better since I last visited some 9 years ago.

David decided to phone home just before we left the site and wished he hadn't as things were not good at home. So we rode back to camp and I made a cuppa whilst David packed up his tent etc and returned home.

So, I had a very quiet night as the site was now totally empty except for me.. I sat and finished off the rest of the wine, cooked supper and had an early night. It rained a lot over night and in the morning it was a case of packing up in the rain and riding home. I was going to visit the Moto Hub at Bibury but they don't open until 10am.