Nigels Travels...
Got to start somewhere..... The next trip... May 2009
Solo trip from UK to France, Northern Spain, Andorra, back into France, Millau Bridge, the Tarn Gorge and Home.... 9 days 1700 miles - one man, one Tent - one bike - and one Garmin!!!
I have previous for getting lost - even with help from Gertie Garmin. It's a trust and man thing...
For this trip I am torn between the teachings of Austin Vince and his very purist views on Motorcycle Adverntures, and trying to plan too much. I am trying to steer a middle path - so to speak.
I have booked a camp site for the first night, a campsite in Andorra and a B & B near Millau so that I can have at least one good nights sleep and a shower!!