Thursday 10 June 2010

After the holiday.....

Mmmmmm been back from the trip nearly three weeks... bugger.  Thought I had better blog again - got to keep it going.

Now planning the next short trip which is the Horizons Unlimited Annual Meeting at Ripley in Yorkshire for 5 days and then a weekend camping trip for Solent Advanced Motorcyclists on Dartmoor.    .... and of course looking towards next years road trip - thought it would be good to good somewhere warm and dry !! but where - it has to be possible within a two week period (16 days) - which would be between 3000 and 4,000 miles.  Spain and Portugal is favorite at present - possible Italy and Slovenia !!

The bike is ready for it's service next week (having ridden 38,000 miles in just over 2 years) which will be just in time for the trip to Derbyshire,  and the heated grip problem now sorted out with a new controller and the Garmin glitch sorted with a replacement power cable.

I met with Lois Pryce on Tuesday night, when she gave a presentation to SAM on her recent trip with Austin across the USA driving a Ural motorcycle and Sidecar !!  I am so envious - not only for the adventure but for be able to go for three months !!!   Maybe if I retire at 65 !! Who knows....