Saturday 27 April 2019

Adventure Overland Show - Stratford upon Avon

Dear Reader,
It is now 8pm on Saturday and the weather has been consistently crap since yesterday. The rain mainly stopped over night and gave way to cold very high winds all day. I have now retired to the tent to get warm. The tea is on the boil and here I sit.

Despite the weather is has been a good day following a merry drink in the beer tent last night, with much merriment and singing of all things... A good group on people ( mostly the bikers that turned up in numbers due to it being a free camping event ). As expected there are lots of BMW GSs and a surprising number of Enfield Himalayan's ... a popular machine by all accounts and only 2 XRV750s on site....

The band has just started up and the kettle has now boiled ... the plan is to rise early and ride home by noon. There is only so many times you can walk around the trading stands... Hopefully a better sleep than last night....

Good night