That was a weekend to remember !!
Left home at about 6:30 on Friday and it was very very cold and then foggy.... arrived at Chipping Warden about 9:15. I helped with setting up the lights and stuff and then at last the sun came out.
Then it was time for the hot stew - absolutely brilliant. Meet up with Colin and just had to have a beer or two (3)... Also met up with Michelle Lamphere, Tiffany Coates, Ian Coates, Stace Martin, Sam Manicom and Birgit. Lots of interesting people to chat to and some great presentations had been put on.
Saturday the weather turned sour and by Sunday it was horrendous. Lots a hardy bikers packed up on Saturday to miss the Sunday storm. Saturday night was the full storm, and by the morning there was many a tent lying flat and lots of bodies sleeping in the bar and the other rooms... it was sad the watch Colin's Khyam Biker tent having an epileptic attack and writhing on the floor with a broken pole... (photo are on the other camera so they will follow later). Poor Tiffany had a spill on her bike Thelma and had to be recovered. Best of luck for your trip home Tiff.
Sunday morning was time to start clearing up and recover all the lighting. Then, time to watch Michelle's and Tiffany's presentations... Very good. By this time the rain had joined in with the high winds which made packing up the tent very interesting, but I managed it and decided that this was a good time to leave.
I rode to the M40, and that was horrid... I got as far as Family Farm on the A34 for a cuppa and decided that it was silly to ride much further... so I booked into a pub some 30 miles South. This turned out to be too far really and that 30 miles was ever worse with gusts and more rain....
I am now sitting in a warm room having dried out most of my clothing... and now a very heavy rain storm outside .... loverly.
Hopefully the weather will be better in the morning.. Night night