Tuesday 19 May 2020

19 May 2020 - COVID-19

Dear Reader,

What can I say, everything is cancelled, lock down has been in place for weeks, and I am getting a little bit pissed off with it.

I am close to running out of things I want to do, have to do, don't want to do..... I have signed up for various and assorted volunteer groups and with Debs help I have done a few medicine collections and deliveries in the area over the past 4 weeks.

Today was I first run out with the Bike Shed Community Volunteer Motorcyclists. I picked up 3 tasks today - collected all 3 packages of PPE masks from a pickup point in Ilminster - then the plan was to delivered two in the Bodmin area and one in Truro... fortunately I know of another rider in that part of the world and so he rode up to Bodmin and collected the last packet to deliver to Truro. I then rode home along the coast road. I would like to point out that once past Exeter on the way down it got very overcast and cold, so I had to stop and put on my waterproof jacket to cut down the windchill.

I left home at 7:20am and arrived back home at 16:30pm, and that included 2 pee/fuel stops, one handover/coffee break and a further coffee stop at Abbotsbury overlooking Chisel Beach. This side of Exeter the sun came out and it was a glorious ride for the rest of the way home. It has been a long while since I rode over 400 miles in a day...

So back to the planning table for the USA trip.... I have moved my ticket from Overland Expo West in Flagstaff Arizona to Overland Expo East which takes place in Arrington Virginia on 9-11 Oct 2020. If the gods are with me I could fly the bike to LA in September then ride across to Florida and up the coast to the Event and then continue North to Toronto and ship the bike home. Almost the same as before but changing the event from the start of the trip to the end of the trip... just a thought to keep me going.

The only alternative would be to do the whole the same but in 2021 instead of 2020..... or say bollocks to it and ride down to Motocamp Bulgaria when Europe opens up again next year.

The only other thing on my mind at present is that while I was sitting here at Easter, waiting to go - some sneaky bastard has, somehow, used my card details and has stolen over $1400 of my travel money..... the card issuer has been informed and a new card issued but I will have to wait to see if I get my money back ....

Ahh well - life goes on - sort of ......