Friday 24 July 2015

Wet, wet and more wet

Next time I have a good idea like this - stop me. I left work at 4pm and rode in extremely heavy rain towards Somerset. I thought the main storm was in the South but no it's here. The roads were awash and the traffic on the A36 and A 303 was awful - luckily I don't mind filtering so I can only say sorry to any car that lost or had his wing mirror adjusted by my panniers???


The planned campsite was closed and the alternative one was now a building site - so I reverted to asking Gertie Garmin to assist - which she promptly did. So I am now at what appears to be the caravan/campsite for all the screaming, shouting and generally a pain in the ass children in the County.

All the riding gear is soaked and I think the tent is leaking .... It's too wet to go outside so it is now dry rations in the tent while listening to the inane chatter of them outside. Just going to find a dry pair of socks and roll out the sleeping bag. The wind is getting stronger and I need to go out an make sure the bike is secure for the night. Then off to the showers and turn in for a rough night.... I would not have it any other way.... Where's the ear plugs....

Nite nite