Monday 8 February 2016

....and still counting down

Good morning - it's Monday and I have but 15 working days before I retire and finish my current employment.   What is even more important to me is that after a very long time I have now paid of the mortgage on my house. :-)

The USA trip is getting closer and most of the bookings (flights, bike, visa etc) are now in place.   Having recently read Nathan Millward's book on his recent trip to the USA, which h had some very good tips on places to see and roads to ride, I now look forward to my trip even more.   I am glad I chose to start in the South and ride up to the Horizons Unlimited event in Virginia at the end of April - it will be a great opportunity to meet the locals and gather insight into the next stage - the ride across the Arizona.

The next task will be to pack the panniers and sort out what to take and what the leave - I know that half the stuff I pack in probably not needed - but which half !!!  Minimal is the watch word.

The link to the Spot Nav will start in April and the link is :   

and the password is        Madiba