Sunday 8 July 2018

Los Angeles - Trip End -2

Good afternoon dear reader,

I had an excellent stay with Pablo and Nicole and family at Huntington Beach, they were so generous and kind.  Thank you both so much.  

Yesterday was spent walking into town for breakfast and then cleaning the bike and getting it ready to ship home.   Of course we had to watch the England football match….  So, despite unpacking the food stuff, and leaving various unwanted items with Pablo, I still appear to have more stuff than I arrived with some 9 weeks ago. Another sort out need once I get to my room.  I had originally booked a motel further out but decided the other day to find one a bit closer to the Airport - another error on my part,  for or though I would save money, this Motel is too big and unlike other motels you are unable to park your bike outside the room door, but they assure me that they have security through the night.   I will have to have a quick word with him and maybe drop him a few dollars to keep a eye on the bike - its only for one night.

In the evening Nicoles father, brother and his 2 girls joined Pablo, Nicole and their son and daughter joined us for supper - its was a great night.  Great company and great food - and I so fear that I may have put on a few pounds around my waist over the last week or so.

I awoke early as expected, and said goodbye to Pablo and Nicole and then made an early start up the Pacific Road Highway to LAX.   The traffic was light and I pottered along and of course arrived early for the motel.  So having had a couple of cold drinks at Denny's down the road, I am now sheltering from the sun in the reception of the Motel awaiting for rooms to be readied.  

Tomorrow I will be riding over to Schumacher's to drop off the bike, sort the paperwork and then chill before I fly out on Tuesday afternoon.   

I am very tempted to start a summary of the trip but I think I will wait a while - maybe on the flight home…..