Friday 15 April 2022

Nepal Day 3 - a non-riding day

Today was a non-riding day as we planned to get here a day early.  So following a good breakfast it was off  to view our part of town (Thamel District). My wife was be proud of my 16,342 steps today !

We returned to the hotel at 1pm to meet up with the other two on the trip and had lunch…

Then off to view bikes we will be riding tomorrow.  In the main they have supplied us with Enfield Classics, one Enfield Meteor and a Honda 350 with only 2000 miles on the clock.   I volunteered to ride this one but intend to have a cabbie on an Enfield at some stage…

Must dash as we at meeting up at the Black Olive again for a meal and maybe some more County and Western music !?

Some more photos - some show the results of the 2015 earth quake…