Hi Readers
A long gap since blogging last.
Well we set off on Tuesday and headed for the West Country..... David and I camp for the first night at Bridgetown on Exmoor... Yes it rained... On Wednesday we rode down to Okehampton and yes it rained again... Then on Thursday we attempted to have casual ride to Glastonbury but got caught on the M5 for 2 hours as some tart was on a bridge threatening to jump.... She brought the whole of the West Country to a stand still. Another 20 miles on I had to stop as the bike was not running at all well.... it felt like the clutch was buggered... After closer inspection it turned out to be the heated grip had parted company with the throttle handle and so I applied 3 cable ties to the grip and that will fix it until I get home.
We eventually arrived at Glastonbury and found a very good camp site next to the Tor... The toilets and showers scored 9 out of ten. We walked into Glastonbury for a beer or two... Note there are a lot of hills in this part of the world..... and we walked most of them..... A very hippy place... but my legs were knackered by the time we got back, and just in time to hit the sack as the rain poured down again...
On the Friday we had a in gently ride into the Overland Event and arrived at about 11:30. All set up and ready for the event and Mick O'Malley arrived and we had a good evening with a few drinks with Colin, Mick, Brandon, David and Hulme.
It is now Saturday noon as I write this... The weather is part sun part overcast. So now another walk around is required, the tea and coffee is free all day.. There are lots of people I know and it is great to meet them and swap travel stories, especially now that I can add my trip to the USA into the mix.. They are such interesting and nice people... and as I always say; it is great to turn up and and people to know you.....