Sunday 21 April 2024

Spain - Day 9

It was just getting light as I asked the hotel staff to unlock the underground store where we had hidden the bike.  It was not easy getting it in as I had to reverse it in down a narrow gap and down a steep slope with a slippery floor with both panniers on situ.

With the sun not yet to warmed up it was bloody cold and I had to stop to don another layer. But being so early the roads were clear all the way until Torrelavega where a combination of major roads converging and heavy duty road works.  But after that a straight forward run to the port.

Arrived in good time and was soon joined by a group of large northern riders on BMW GS's….  All very clean and full of Touratech bits and bobs.   Although we were later joined by a rider on a 125cc bike having was just returning from a trip to Merzouga in southern Morocco. Very little luggage and a home made wooden top box - excellent.

Ah well, now on board the ferry and underway . Chicken curry for lunch and bugger else to do until 7pm tomorrow. More reading of Gordon May's travel book.

It's a testament to Gordon May and his book "Overland to Vietnam" that he rode a 74 year old Matchless motorcycle all the way to Vietnam and here I am on a 27 years old Honda Africa Twin and I am returning home after just 2000 kms with an engine issue. Mind you, the man knows a thing or two about engines whereas I carry a toolbox in case I find someone who knows what to do with the gizmos inside ..

Saturday 20 April 2024

Spain - Day 8

Today started off badly with me trying to check-out from the camp site at 9am, and the large lady on reception saying I must wait until 10am… She spoke long and loud about she needed her beauty sleep and me saying she was wasting her time….

Anyway the bill was paid and I left the site (noisily)…. I am still very concerned about the amount of oil being burnt by the bike…. I hope it's not a repeat of the previous fault… the cure for which was having an engine rebuild (re-bored, new pistons and valves etc)…

I have decided not to continue with the full tour of Spain and the return ride through France .. I don't want to cause any further problems…. I have already used 2 Litres of oil !!!

So I rode back through Saville and headed north towards Santander and a boat ride home. I am current overnighting in Tordesillas. 734 kms today !!!

Friday 19 April 2024

Spain - Day 7

A late start today … and a quick stop at the Ponderosa Cafe for breakfast. Very busy, very loud, very Spanish. Then I hopped on the motorway so as to get through Saville… Scary stuff…. Then it was gentle riding until the wind got up and made riding a little difficult to say the least.

I found a campsite, and it was open, empty but open. I have a feeling that I have stopped here before - years ago on returning from Morocco. I wish had brought my special tent pegs (6 inch nails) as the ground is solid !!

It's now mid afternoon and I am going to have lunch, then a read and an early night. Bugger all happening here..

Thursday 18 April 2024

Spain - Day 6

It's funny how just one mosquito can ruin a nights sleep….    Having loaded the bike I thought I would visit a nearby Honda dealer as I was having problems with adjusting the chain… it was done-up by a 73 year old with a long handled torque wrench!!!

I arrived in good time but like everything else in this part of the world; it's was closed closed.

So taking advantage of flat concrete surface - I removed all the luggage and panniers and set to work… all sorted in 10 minutes.  

In the main, the roads were boring with a few good looking areas.   Then having crossed over a hugh lake / inland sea, I then rode through miles and miles of olive groves - fabulous.

Soon enough I was passing into Spain - unnoticed….   Now it's time to head to the chosen campsite - I passed the location 3 times - it's just not there.   Asked Gertie Garmin for another … that one looked like an untidy farm yard… move on Nigel.   Give me another I said to Gertie…. Gates closed.   Let try another: no trace.   Bugger it - it's getting late and it looks like rain - found a good looking Hotel : how much !!!!  Lets try another : shabby but cheaper…. and the Wi-Fi isn't working!!!  Anyhow Spain 4 : Nigel 0.

So here I am sitting at a street cafe using their Wi-Fi and drinking strong coffee !!!   Just in time as I hear a clap of thunder overhead…. Now heavy rain and a thunder storm…. 

Tomorrow is planned to head south passed Saville and try my luck with campsites!!!

Wednesday 17 April 2024

Spain/Portugal -Day 5

Up with the sun this morning, SSS* sorted and all packed up by 8:30.   I can highly recommend this campsite (see photo).   Be care not to over shoot the road as the next corner in the entrance to the paid autoroute.   I did, and when faced with the unmanned entrance, I did a U Turn rode to 200m back down the hard shoulder with the Garmin telling me I'm travelling down the wrong side   the road!  Heavy mist to start with.

The road were good again to - I'm so glad I elected now to use motorways.  There have been lots of twists and turns, steep climbs and just plain empty roads…

The campsite now is big but it's so hot I opted for a cabin….  Not having to pitch the tent tonight is a bit of a bonus.   No frills or extras but it has fridge, electric and a bed with a mattress. Washing done and dried.  Routes sorted for the next 3 days.  

Tomorrow I'm heading for the border with Spain.  Reduced riding hours is working for me.

Tuesday 16 April 2024

Spain/Portugal - Day 4

An earlier than usual start today as we now on Portugal time and the sun gets up an hour earlier here..

I checked out the ACSI website and found a couple in the area that I intend to ride to.   I selected one and off we go…. Some good roads and some crap roads to Coimbra.  The good roads were though mountainous vine yards with fabulous views (no places to stop!).  The crap roads were through Coimbra itself due to shed loads of roads works.   

Finally arrived at the Tamanco Campsite, owned and run by two Brits - it's brilliant - although out of season and so they only serve food Thursday to Sunday.  Just my luck.

I managed to set up the tent in the wrong place - but it's only for one night (out of season!), and the owner said he would open the bar this evening, so all is not lost.

I must off and cook something… anything..

Monday 15 April 2024

Spain/Portugal - Day 3

Got an early (ish) start this morning to get away from that campsite (not recommended) - lots of loud tv and singing and shouting by the reception building until 1am - I suppose things kick off late in Spain .

The roads for the main part of the route were excellent with no traffic at all (LE125) then the twisty ZA925 into Portugal . Then various roads until Gertie Garmin finally lost the plot, so we jumped on the IP4 around Murca. Finally arrived at another sad looking campsite, I think I will stick to ACSI sites in future.

Tomorrow will be a bit of a long day - about 5 hours…. and that should put us somewhere near Nazare on the coast..

Right off to find supper …

Sunday 14 April 2024

Day 2 Supplimental

I took a walk into town and found a garage as I needed to get a cold drink as I have only had a cup of coffee since leaving the campsite

Spain Day 2

After a cold and damp night - I packed up at a leisurely pace and rode out at 9:30 in search of petrol. Had a wonderful ride over the Picos Mountains. Some fabulous views and even a few places to stop and admire them. There was not too much traffic and a few bikers out for an early ride/blast.. Especially the two young ladies that flew past me at speed - oh they could ride those corners … excellent but not for me.

After that the roads flattened out and became a bit boring. Finally found a place for breakfast/lunch… at about 12:30. More flatlands and finally to this awful campsite, full of permanent caravans and mobile homes. The shop/Cafe appears to be closed and there is no Wi-Fi (sometimes a good thing). The van next door has its radio set on 'Stun' although some of the music is good.

Ah well Portugal tomorrow …

Saturday 13 April 2024

Spain Day 1

An early start this morning, once everyone had sorted out what time it was!! Most people changed to Spanish time but the ship remained on UK time …. I had a goo breakfast and disembarking went without a hitch. A 2.5 hour gentle ride to the Picos mountains - where there is a lot of road works through the narrow bits.

Found the site which I stayed at with David and Roy way back in 20?? Not Wi-Fi apparently and still looking for a power socket !!!

No problems - all set up and chillin'

Friday 12 April 2024

12th April - Bay of Biscay

The departure from Portsmouth was ok but just a bit long. We boarded and settled in the cabin… very quiet, the sea is calm with just I little swell, but the sun is shining!!

I found the food bar and then had an early night, I had a read of my book and then slept right through to 6am. Then after a SSS* I headed for the breakfast area for tea and a bun. I passed the day chatting to Richard an ex-Hampshire Police officer or walking the decks for fresh air.

8pm and I am now back in the cabin half watching Zoro staring Anthony Hopkins on the TV and composing this blog. As we are due to arrive at 7am I am expect a very early wake up call in the morning.

Good night

*Shit, Shower and a Shave (notional)