Wednesday 29 May 2024

June 2024 - France

 A change of bikes and I’m going back to France to complete the original trip.  I sail on 6 June… D Day!!

Monday 6 May 2024

Spain - Day 10

We passed a quiet night on board. I had an early start and a walk on deck whilst most of the ship was still asleep.

The sea is even calmer now than it was earlier - dead calm not even white tops. 

A pleasant breakfast, followed by more people watching and reading. Then lunch followed by more of the same…. Boring ain't it….

We are due to dock at Portsmouth at 7pm so I should be home by 9pm. Not the best of trips I must say - maybe I should have stuck with the original plan of riding the Tenere T700.

Ah well - tomorrow I'll unpack, dry out and repack the tent, get the washing done, wash down the bike, retention and clean the chain, remove the bashplate and see if I can locate the leak and the location of the strange noises.

What might have been……