After pitching the tent at Camping-Moto I wandered down to the bar for a well deserved beer and sort out the route. I did glance at my e-mail – should not have done that as my mind if full of the answers to the e-mails.. Dined on steak and chips and hit the sack about 10pm. Slept reasonably well although it was very humid.
Managed to pack most of the kit on the bike this morning before breakfast and set off at 8.30. Gertie started with miles are forest tracks and then settled down onto some fast D-roads towards Limoges, Poitiers and finally to the Tours area. Found a camp site and am now all sorted, showered and sitting by a pool in hot sunny weather typing this one-handed as I have a large ice cream in the other (honest – too early for larger).
I did stop off at a large Abby town for a break – all the roads in the town were shut and people were wandering the streets in their droves !!! so unusual – the Germans must have spared this one.
Tomorrow is a straight run to Caen – for those keeping track of the dates – yes I am a day early – so let’s see what Brittany Ferries can do.,
Days Mileage 239 miles
Trip Total 1555 miles
Managed to pack most of the kit on the bike this morning before breakfast and set off at 8.30. Gertie started with miles are forest tracks and then settled down onto some fast D-roads towards Limoges, Poitiers and finally to the Tours area. Found a camp site and am now all sorted, showered and sitting by a pool in hot sunny weather typing this one-handed as I have a large ice cream in the other (honest – too early for larger).
I did stop off at a large Abby town for a break – all the roads in the town were shut and people were wandering the streets in their droves !!! so unusual – the Germans must have spared this one.
Tomorrow is a straight run to Caen – for those keeping track of the dates – yes I am a day early – so let’s see what Brittany Ferries can do.,
Days Mileage 239 miles
Trip Total 1555 miles