Tuesday 15 December 2009

Poland & Beyond goes Multiple

Not sure how but the next big trip to Poland & Beyond will now have 4 bikes. I am still trying to keep the planning minimal. The only firm things at present are the dates - Out on Friday 7th and back on the 23rd May. The route is fluid but the general direction known. Stopping/overnight stops are not planned - places of interest to visit are so far very few at present - Vilnius for a hotel stop also Treblinka and Aushwitz are just two (everyone should visit - just the once).

The bike is holding up to the changes to the weather - it must be due for yet another service soon - will try the Honda dealer in Bournemouth next. The bike will need to be in good shape for the trip. I suppose that by May 2010 it will need new brake pads, new tyres - bugger.... where did that 5,000 miles go !!! See ya