Good Evening ....
It is now the end of Day 3... Woke up this morning after quite a good nights sleep.. Brian, however, did not sleep well and has decided to return home under his own steam... a combination of our snoring, lack of sleep and "boring roads" ah well there ya go... God speed Brain - ride carefully..
We are now two.. a valient attempt to get the laundry dry succeeded it getting it half dry before the meter ran out.. We all ate a good "compo" breakfast and then Steveand I hit the road at 9am...
The weather was grey but bright - later it was to get very grey and very wet.... After just a short hours ride we were at the Polish border - and just sailed through - then stopped for a drink in Poland. A couple of fuel stops later we cruised into a very rain soaked Leba seaside resort - but alas it is Monday and they have all gone home or are hiding. You don't see bikers like this over here - especially without proper footwear - and neither are wearing gloves !!!
A great hot shower and a wander around we are now preparing the evening meal - with a bottle of rad and white --- then hit the sack.... Tomorrow we ride to Gdansk / Sopot and then South and East to Augustow.... Weather tomorrow unknown. Nite Nite...