Monday 17 June 2024

France Day 12

What a long night - after a good Cantonese meal downstairs, I then retired and watched the England v Serbia match on the TV.

Then a quiet village suddenly got noisey as after about an hour a lady with a boom box was roaming about outside and her friend; totally plastered was shouting at the moon and waving his shirt about!!!

Managed to escape from the Chinese restaurant with a room upstairs very early and I was on the road for 8am. The rain was still chucking it down. I managed to stop for fuel and a spot to eat and finally arrived at Caen about 11am. Apparently the boat is fully booked and I was lucky to swap tickets. We are full of Porsche cars, Aston Martins and that sort of car returning from Le Mans.

So ah well on my way home again ….