Tuesday 11 June 2024

France Day 6

Supper last night was a better affair as the new Dutch crew were not so tight knit and so with the arrival of a French rider we had a fun few hours - and I slept ok.

The morning brought a light drizzle as I was setting out to ride to Millau. Lovely back roads with very light traffic.

Set up at the campsite - walked about town a little - finished the last chapters of the book. A thoroughly recommended book - brilliant . Todd Lawson "Inside The Belly of an Elephant".

It started to get a bit chilly now and I could not be arsed to break out the cooking gear so had a quiet meal at the local Cafe.

All in all a good day albeit a bit long. It's only a 5 hour ride tomorrow along the Tarn Gorge etc so I might even start a bit later..