Friday 7 June 2024

France -Day 2

After a good nights sleep, I packed up and was on the road by 8am. Gertie Garmin was having issues and started sending me back to Caen on the motorway - well we are not having any more of that nonsense, so switched off anything to do with motorways. That sorted we head off cross country and very pleasant it was too.

I loaded up with petrol, purchased a GAZ canister (yes I forgot to pack one!! ). Then found a local McDonalds…..but they don't open until 10:30 !!!! What…??? A very pleasant run through the French countryside and very little traffic.

We then arrived at a cafe near to Le Mont-St-Michel and had a much needed cup of tea. Chatted to a couple of bikers, took a photo of the "Mont" and rode on…

Arrived at the next campsite near Vannes at about 3:30… tent up , coffee boiled and supper cooked and eaten… all sorted ready for a much shorter day tomorrow : St Nazaire and La Rochelle. Happy camping. Wifi here is crap to this might go tomorrow !!

Good night.