Sunday 9 June 2024

France Day 4

This morning started off well - after the normal SSS* and a cooked breakfast - I packed up and was on the road by 9:30. I found a petrol station to top up the tanks - this bike has two tanks and takes 23 litres … which is good for about 300 miles or so…

I still have the motorway option turned off so we are set for a 5 hour run to the Camping Moto Dordogne.. I rode some great roads through miles on miles of vineyards to Cognac area with hardly any traffic. Then after 3 hours it started to rain and rain and rain… 2 solid hours of it….

Finally reached Moto camp and it hasn't changed over the years… I first came here in 2009 en route to Andorra on my first bike trip on the 1st Africa Twin…(Mr Mugabe).

Tent up and the first beer is free…. Supper is at 7:30pm so I'm looking forward to that. The place is run by a Dutch family and there are many Dutch folk here now. I have decided to stay 2 nights , so will get the map out tomorrow and sort out the next week before heading back to Falaise and doing a tour of the beaches (Omaha, Gold etc etc) before catching the ferry home on the 19th..

It's cold and overcast here now but it's warm in the 'club house'…