Saturday 15 May 2010

Day Eight

Good Evening

We left the camp site at Nysa very early - even the reception was not open so we did a runner !!

Within an hour we were crossing into the Czech Republic - if fact we did it twice - as we had passed
through the border and forgot to change money from Polish Zloty - so we rode back into Poland - change our money and then rode into the Czech Republic again...

Then I entered the next destination into Gertie and off we went - hoping to visit the Church of Bones at Hutna Gora - but Gertie locked onto Kutna Hora 50 miles outside Prague !!! so we did not get to visit there either !!

Arrived in Prague in good time and found the camp site at the top of the hill - very pleasant - it worked
worked out that it was cheaper to stay in a "wooden tent" or what looks like a chicken shed than to pitch two small tents.. and they have heating and lights !!!

Showers were very good and hot.

Met an english couple as we arrived and also a Dutch couple who were good enough to make up a coffee and we sat in their warm caravan to drink it... They are travelling Europe for 7 weeks...

All sorted and the washing on the line trying to dry out from yesterdays drenching.. we are now sat in the
bar at 5.30pm and deciding where to go tomorrow - we are close the Dresden so will take a run up to see Colditz if we can.  Then swing down to Bitburg and on the Luxemberg etc...

We have now done 2335 miles and getting used to the riding... some of the roads are boring but there you go..  if you need to do the places - you have to do the miles... surprisingly I have not used to music very much -   just chillin' in the saddle.... the main problems have been the rain and the cold.... and the poor quality of some of the roads..., the big trucks have put big ruts in the road and it tends to take to front wheel... in some places the ruts of over  6 inch deep... they main solution is the skim the ridges to level the road - this is also a problem for the bike !!! an interesting ride !!!

Must go now - second beer on the way !!!

Nite Nite