Saturday 15 May 2010

Day Six

Early start - had time to pack the bikes before breakfast... hit the road at 7.30am which is actually 7.30 Polish time so by the time we got the the border it was still on 8am

The border was again completely deserted - and the only soul around was the guy in the Exchange Kiosk.. So different from the border crossings I remember in 1979 !!

We had planned to stop over about 50 miles south of Augustow but we had made such good time that we pressed on to Treblinka.

I had also visited this Extermination Camp in 1979 - the feeling was still the same - disbelief that any man could be so inhuman to another man Very moving place... Google it and read for youself

They have made some great improvements to the site and I would recommend a visit if you are passing this way.

Left there and headed for Warsaw - and arrived at Camping 123 site at 5.30pm. Cooked a wonderful meal and got some beers from the local tennis club !!

Site is of poor quality and very expensive (being over twice as much as we paid on Leba - but that's Cities for you)
Lots of mosquitos to keep us busy - I am trying to type this with gloves on...

Now to enjoy a glass / Mug of Zywiec beer....