Tuesday 11 May 2010

Day Four

Good Morning

The morning broke and we were up and away from Stallag 41 - had a good breakfast (note Compo Omellete now off the list !!) decamped and on the road for 8am..  Took a trip to find the beach.....

After a couple on attempts we rolled up on to a perfect spot... Kodak moment over and off to Sopot and Gdansk...   after a tour of the towns and a visit to the Grand Hotel that I had stayed at in 1979 !!! Now an extemely posh hotel... loads of money per night !! we just stopped for a leg break and viewed some to the local views (ask Steve - he will explain that - just say roller blades !!)

Rode out of Gdansk onto some very long roads and lots of lorry traffic which stayed with us all the way to Elk,  Then the traffic lighten up but we experienced some very major road building....   after some 200km we broke free and headed to Augustow...   arriving at about 6pm and unable to locate a camp site - we booked into a B & B / Motel...  We had an evening meal with out having to cook - which was good.  Steve managed to ring home while I sipped a cool beer and caught up on the blog....   Watched Star Wars in Polish and turned in for the night....   A long days ride today because of the roads ... started at 8am and stopped at 6pm - a total of 9 hours in the saddle....  !!!

Tomorrow's destination is Vilnius the captial of Lithuania....    Nite Nite....