Left Warsaw at sparrows fart this morning - made very good time. But once the fog had lifted it started to rain and it just got harder and harder.. Arrived at Auchwitz II and toured the main camp in the rain - so very depressing.. but a trip that I had to make - having spent 2 years in Poland but was unable to get to visit - I was determined that one day I would.
And still it rained and rained just adding to the sheer sadness that is in everything there....
Took a ride over to Aushwitz I - and found hundreds and hundreds of coach parties - a commercial shambles - was not prepared to queue up to join a tour nor wait until 3pm to go in on ones own.
Rode off to the camp site 30km before the Czech Border - still pouring with rain and so very cold - temperature down to about 7c. Arrived at a camp site at about 6pm in the pouring rain. Site still closed for the winter - rode to another and no staff ! - so we rode in and pitched camp next to the shower block.
We cooked Chicken "Coq-o-van" and the rain has just started again.
Lots of wet clothing with no chance to drying them. I wonder what the Czech for Tumble dryer is !!!Tomorrow is a shortish ride to Prague via the Church of Bones at Hutna Gora.
Total miles today was 271 - total for the trip is 2219 !!!!
Nite Nite