Good evening – not such an early start today – we are well ahead of schedule and so got up late – dried the clothes in the sun shine – honest real sun shine!! By the time we had breakfast it was 11am and away to Luxemburg. We tried to travel on minor roads today but Gertie was a bit upset by this!! But we still managed to do a lot of smaller roads.

Arrive at 6pm in the rain – again… so wet we had to cook in the tent… Tasted good nevertheless… although I did manage to knock over chilli con carne but scooped it up – delicious.
Met up with two Goldwing riders who were on their way home – some 3 weeks early!! and the weather had been so crap in Europe. Ah well --- We are now sat in the Café Du Pont in Vianden Luxembourg using their Wi-Fi and planning the route for tomorrow – As we a few days in hand we are going to Bouillion and Sedan and then turn to Reims and overnight there. Then on Wednesday well will head for Rouen and Dieppe for another night and then head for Calais on Thursday. We will therefore catch the Chunnel on Thursday and be home in the afternoon after a final coffee Loomies – as that was where we started from…. Aaaahhhhhhh wait a minute - another large beer has arrived…. Got to go
Nite Nite
PS only 242 miles today and we will pass the 3,000 miles tomorrow before breakfast!!!