Tuesday 19 May 2015

The last Hoorah.....

Last night I stayed with Dave and Trish and a lovely warm bed and a proper hot cooked meal - thank you both...

A late start of 9.30... and Madiba and I started off through the lanes of Brittany heading for the coast and then towards Calais hoping to over night near Dieppe for the last night. But the shitty French weather had followed us from the time we crossed the border from Spain...

From the outset we had heavy rain storms, hail stones and high winds - oh how I hate cross winds. Anyway we rode on until about 1.30pm (near Avranches) and we decided that the idea of riding another 3 hours in the rain, then Camping and then riding another 3 hours in the morning to the Chunnel and then riding for 3 further hours from Folkestone to Ringwood was just was not on. So as we're were so close to Caen and just riding by, we decided to go and find out the time of the next ship to Portsmouth...

So here we are on board and heading for Portsmouth... ETA 2130...

I have been thinking about lessons learnt from this trip:

1. Don't ride at night
2. Don't arrive after dark
3. If you drop your bike; take a photo before picking it up.
4. Just because the Moroccans give a road a number it does not make it a road...
5. Take less stuff
6. Take more money
7. Use a tether on cameras
8. Take more photos

I am sure there are many more....