Thursday 6 June 2013

Nigels 2013 Trip to Croatia..

Dear Reader...Thursday 8pm.... enough packing already... Day Miles (DM)=
0 Trip Miles (TM) = 0

I have just stopped repacking the bike - again - I have tried to pack small
and light but sod it - too much effort... Mind you the top box is only half
full with the stuff I would normally have carried in the Tank Bag... and one
of the panniers is not totally full.

Noon tomorrow is the start time - weather for the UK looks great -
unfortunately that can't be said for Europe !!! flooding in Prague down to
Salzburg and Pressau ... bugger.
I had an Email from a tourist office in Garmish and so far their Campsites
were not flooded and were dry... So the route down to Croatia will stay
the same - for now. Or as David would say "A plan is a basis for

Bye for now - do call in again later....