Monday 24 June 2019

24 June - Prague

Good afternoon reader

I collapsed into the sleeping bag at about 9pm and apart from the mad Dutchman next door who decided to reposition his caravan at 10pm, it was a quiet night.

The inter web here is not too good - photos and alike will have to wait a while.

This morning I was playing the Tourist - I don't like touristy places and I am not very good at sight seeing. But I wandered about in the heat and took a few photos etc. It is very hot here at present and there are far too many people about.
The main fun was had trying to catch a bus and Metro at 7.30am and pay for them... luckily there was a young lady at the bus stop who was very helpful - I ended not paying for the bus ride and just about managed the underground.

 And I found my way back to the camp site too....

I really don't know how those Iron Butt riders do it - two long days and my back is buggered. It should be a short run tomorrow down to Brno and then into Slovakia.