Friday 21 June 2019

Belgium, France and Luxemberg

Good evening dear reader,
After a good meal and just the one beer I slept surprisingly well.  After packing up I had an early start at about 7:30.  For the first 30 miles it was all good and then the navigation went to pot as usual - we ended up heading the the middle of Lille…. So a quick escape saw us on a very busy motorway - with stop and start for about 10 miles due to road works….  Good job I don't mind filtering….  And I must remember not to do it in Germany.
We finally broke free of the main roads and back on the quieter back roads and ended up in Mons.   I worked at NATO SHAPE  for a few years - not a lot to see these days as the fences are so high and deep.  We rode on to Soignes where I used to live and the building is still there and looks quite good considering its age.  The town has grown so much, they even have a Lidl and a McDonalds - its amazing how thing change in just 40+ years (?)….  So it was back onto the highways and byways of Belgium and France and finally into Luxemberg.  Some would say its a bikers dream with so many twisty roads ?? I am not sure these days.
The camp site is great and I have a pitch next to the river and the sun is hot - what else could I ask for.
Tomorrow is into the Rheinland and hopefully as far as Mannheim and the southern Rihine although judging by today performance I think that might be a little to long in the saddle..

Nite Nite