Friday 28 June 2019

28 June - Romania

Dear Reader,

The sun rises very early at this time of the year and it crept over my window sill at 5am.... and the rain had passed . So up and at 'em I thought and by the time I had lugged all my baggage down to the car park, packed the bike and refuelled, I was on the road at 6:30... no too many trucks about at this time.

I rode until I needed fuel and breakfast. Consumed that while trying to casually massage my bum !!! It must get easier... or is there a lotion I should be using!

The plan was to head for the Transfargarasam pass which worked well and we found the 7C and started to climb up the twisties - until about 5 miles up and they had closed the road (could they not have signed that at the bottom of the climb). I bet the chap I passed on the bicycle was pissed off when he got there!!! So back down and retrace my track for about 40 miles.

Not all was lost as the views from the road down to Pitesti through the Parcul National Cozia were fabulous. I passed through the middle of Pitesti and although the signs for the bypass are there and Garmin thinks the road is there - I can assure you that it ain't..... lots a bulldozers and concrete but no road... this caused great problems for the trucks and the presence of numerous Romany families with carts and multiple horses trotting sedately on the road did not help matters.

Later on the sky got darker and then the proceeding wind blew and again a huge thunder storm. It was impossible to ride as the roads were flooded and visibility crap. So I sought shelter, along with 4 other bikers, under a petrol station awning. The rain just got heavier still so we all went inside for coffee and cakes. They were nice people and very chatty. Their problem was that they we dressed in summer biker jackets and jogging pants - and they were soaked.

The rain let up enough to ride on but only for 20 miles and I hit the rest of the storm again...  I sort shelter at a petrol station with a flooded forecourt. Sod this for a game of soldiers. Retreated to the motel next door and took a room.... one drenched biker now trying to dry out. The manager did help me park the bike in his wood shed under lock and key.

Now having dined I am fighting technology, Garmin and the Wi-fi.

I am now within reach of the Bulgarian border and Motocamp Bulgaria where I hope to meet up the Greg and Mel and stop for day or two.....

Nite nite