.... Dear readers: For the benefit of new readers and anyone that stumbles across this Blog - This blog was actually created for me.... but if you feel the need to read it please do - you may even become a follower - fill your boots as they say,,,,, I normally never go back and edit my blogs - on the understanding that it was what thought or felt on the day !!!! Due to the problems with internet connectivity on the last trip, and problems with the spell checker (yes I have already had complaints! - tarts) - I will, over the next week or so be reviewing the blogs and adding the essential photographs ...... And possibly a link to all the photographs from this mini trip .......
I am in the tunnel under the English Channel ..........
PS for a better view of the Photographs in this blog - just double click them for the Hi Res version....
Nigel and the Max Reisch's 1933 bike that he (Max not me) rode to India in 1933
Many thanks to Peter Reisch for the visit and your hospitality |