Saturday 7 May 2011 sea at last

I arrived at the port with time to spare - only to find out that the boat would be sailing 90 minutes late -such a good start
The good thing was that Rui de Costa and David Charlton turned up to see me off - how wonderful was that...   Parked and secured the bike on the deck - one of the desk-hands managed to knock a step ladder over onto my bike ...idiot…    Meet Ian Mutch from MAG (the Editor of The Road) on the boat – nice chap – I remember him from the HU event at  Ripley and I have read a couple of his books.  I had a bit to eat (ham salad – without the normal Mushroom Soup....  Nite Nite

It’s now 5.30 in the morning and the night passed as expected – an uncomfortable seat and lots of weird drunks dressed in shorts, scarfs and flat caps !!  They look  like a breakaway group from the young farmers or something out of Monty Python…..  Next time I will take a cabin.

I will try not to become another grumpy old man during these blogs ( I have just read the book and some of it has definitely rubbed off on me)…  Now let go a sort of the tribe of roaming french kids that can neither sleep or talk quietly ……..