Thursday 19 May 2011

Wednesday 18th May

Had a sensible start at 9am this morning and the weather was sunny and dry.... made my was through the miles and miles of vineyards in this region. And over yet more hills the last I believe...Had a pleasant ride through the small villages and on to St Die and also managed to circumnavigate Nancy - not an easy job (bit of an office joke there)...

After having lunch at a road side picnic area it was onwards to Verdun the problem was that no matter what I did Gertie would navigate into Reims.... and bugger me we ended up going through the middle of the City at 4.30pm...... Last time I was there I was trying to get a puncture repaired some 6 years ago...

I finally got to visit the French Memorial at Verdun and it's very big - it commemorate some 15,000 French troops lost to the battles of 1914-18....

Left Verdun and then an motored into Reims (bugger)  after that the roads were so clear and empty I just rode on and on and on...... Thought I would try for Soissons but the miles were clicking up and my arse was now in such pain..... Time to stop I think although I had promised myself a stop at a camp site near Verdun....

I did stop at a McDonalds in Verdun and trying to connect to their free Wifi with the Blackberry but alas the same thing  finds the network says it's connected but nothing..... nice burger though...

Rode on until Laon and the Municiple Camp Site - they are uch good value...

I am now going to cook something and have a coffee then.... Shit Shower and Shave ready for bed....

Miles today a shameful 302 and the total is now 2891...

I will now have a look at the map whilst cooking and see if I can make the chunnel tomorrow I could do with a soft bed....... !!!!!!