Had a good nights kip and started early leaving Venice at about 7.30.... and made good progress towards Trieste on the small roads... Gertie had a touch of heat stroke near Trieste and put us back on the road to Udine (auto route at that)... bugger... got th next junction and came off and confused all the staff at the toll booth because we got into the wrong lane !!! I think she said she would open the barrier and I was to come to the cash desk.... off like a rabbit we were....
Got within 10 miles of the next camp site and it was still only 11am... so an executive decision was made to ride to the next site in Croatia. We crossed into Slovenia and just transited through into Croatia - instant change of scenery from the drab Southern Italian landscape to the very green and extremely scenic Slovenia and Croatia.... by the way the Croatian border police/customs hardly looked up from his playboy magazine to wave me through.....

Then after climbing the hills we could see the coast line absolutely fantastic and we continued to ride down the coastline.... had a water break at Crikvenica by the boats and was welcomed by a Brit and silly shorts and pressed shirt leaning on his Jaguar XK convertible.... and after the normal good afternoon how are you etc.. he proceeded to tell me about how many houses he has in Croatia and various other places...blah blah.....what an arse.... so we moved swiftly on to Senj heading left into the hills again and up and up and up.... twisty roads here have the sign Serpentine..... well "no shit Sherlock" comes to mind and we finally arrive at 5pm at Camp Slapic just north of Generalski Stol......(bugger that's 9 hours riding again this has to stop). and guess what; the site is full of Dutch again... better dressed but there are hundreds of them.... all in big trailer vans and caravans with Statalite Dishes and all..... nothing like getting away from it.....

Now that I am again a day ahead we will have to decide how to use that I think I will wait and see what Bled is like first....
Note to self -when you hide the money (Croatian thingie and Swiss whatevers) try to remember where it was you hide them .. still can't find it.... now off to cook something... maybe
Miles today was 295 and the total is 1863 miles.....
PS found the money next day....