Sunday 8 October 2017

Morocco Trip - Day 6

Dear reader,

I won't moan about the last campsite…. that is taken as read.

We hit the road early this morning and rode up into the hills - in fact we reached 1546m above sea level - the roads were very twisty and in places it was a large fir forest - just like riding in the Ardennes in Belgium; although the road surface here was worse, much worse. The high winds were at least cool. We passed lots of friendly people in lay-bys and standing on the side of the road, all willing to share there Hashish with us……. Mind you having seen their driving and the thought of standing on the side of the road in temperatures of about 35 C; I believe they must be using more than they sell. Gives a whole new meaning to Hash-Browns. We stopped for a coffee and the guy in the next table were all preparing his pipe….

By the way we repaired Davids tent pole with a £5 towel rail from the supermarket, and it works fine, so far. My boot was less well off, the fix of the toe appears to have worked but now the back of the sole is falling off - out with the Gorilla glue again. I hope the photos of the boot have arrived on the site.

After the mountains we descended in the valleys and it got very very hot…. just had to keep moving across the wheat belt of Morocco. We arrived a Ifrane and tried in vain to locate a camp site - but then we found 3 such places but all closed. So we gave up and rode south until we just happened upon one just sound of Azzoud.

Tomorrow should be a short day (today was 457 Kms) and we are stopping at a Hotel in Errachida. We might even get some much need washing done……

Nite Nite