Saturday 30 April 2016

HU Day 3 - Saturday


Yesterday was a bit of a long day, there where a few presentations that I attended, and there was a lot of wandering around and chatting..  There is only so many times you can ask about a bike... And then get a 30 minute history and list of all the bolt ones and twiddly bits that they have had to buy otherwise the bike would not be complete.  

After the evening meal there was a couple of presentations, they were really good, especially the main event from Dylan ( I met him at Ace Cafe earlier in the year and chatted and bought his book) he rode around the world and had a great time, but when he got to the Darrien Gap going south, he had already decided to build a raft, powered by his bike and ride around the gap, Panama to Columbia ?? A great story and a very motivational speaker....  I am looking forward to reading the book (When the Road Ends) when I get home.....

By the time that was finished at about 10:30 I was ready for my bed....
We are still having issues with WiFi so there will be a few to go from the first McDs I find.

It is now 6.30 pm and I have already showered and had my first cup of tea...  and I will start sorting out the kit later as I have to repack it all ready for the off tomorrow.... I would prefer to be on the road, rather than static for days like this... You just lose the momentum of the road....  Everyone is talking about the storms coming in tonight and tomorrow..... It is not going to be pleasant, but if it is too much then I will just stop and wait it out....

More later....