Sunday 2 July 2023

Bulgaria Trip - Day 5

It was a confusing day, I set off on time and joined the vast number of overpriced sport cars, over rev'd sports bikes and the ever present gaggle of BMW GSs. All was going fine and then they disappeared ! Bugger if have missed to route to the Stelvio Pass and was now on the 180 I think. It was very twisty and Gertie Garmin said I would get to the next destination so I stayed on it. I can just imagine the Stelvio Pass being a slow moving traffic jam so I was happy to miss it. These Italian and German bikers are F***** nuts.
I started to get tired and could not locate the next campsite so I rode on…. and on and on… started to get tired so I thought I would find another campsite …. Nothing found so I ask Gertie to find me a motel/hotel - round and around this town - lots of roads no hotels - I turn down a one way street (whoops) and found one. Expensive but I did care. Secure parking, hot shower, free Wi-Fi and breakfast thrown in. Now for something to eat before landing on the very large bed…. Oh yes and a beer.