Thursday 6 July 2023

Bulgaria Trip - Day 9 or whatever

Good evening, we saddled up and snuck out of town by 8am.   Rode down more of the fabulous Croatian coast road (it should be on everyone bucket list of thing they must do).   Eventually we needed to turn north and head for Mostar and then Sarajevo.   More tunnels, more winding roads and the temperature soon fell to a cool 26 from 30+…

We crossed almost unnoticed into Bosnia Herzegovina.  I did try to get into Mostar but with long lines of coaches and hoards of tourists, all trying to get their own view of the infamous bridge - I thought bugger this, I'm off.  Then I started to feel it was time for breakfast and found a place in the mountains - more cheese omelette and salad.  

There is lot of major road construction going on with enormous viaducts between mountains.  Then without noticing it I was at a toll booth for the newish autoroute towards Sarajevo.  The hotel I had chosen was right at the far end of town amongst the heavy road works for more tramways.

Finally found it and all settled in.  So off to have a look around, I got just a few hundred yards down the road and the sky was getting very dark.  So turned around and headed back.  I was near the hotel and thought I would stop for a coffee - no sooner had I sat down in the cafe when … crash, bang wallop a mighty thunder storm erupted, and boy did it rain… I've not seen rain like that for a long time.   And it's still going on now - I did a quick dash to the hotel and I am now drying out some clothes.   Good job I arrived when I did - I really would not have like to be riding in it….