Tuesday 4 July 2023

Bulgaria Trip - Day 7 - Rest day

Note - Beer is cheaper than Coca Cola. !!! Who would have thought...

Oh what a night - first some light rain, then heavy rain and then a crash and a flash - a full blown thunder storm …. The group of cyclists next door were enjoying sleeping under the stars without tents….. !!!! They abandoned their kit and retreated to shelter of the shower block.

Checked out my bike and it's using oil at an alarming rate so will have to buy some more oil tomorrow. Topped up the Scottoiler at the same time. Good job it is booked in for a big service on return - 1550 miles done - another 2000 or so to go…. Personal admin done ie washing some clothing - at least it won't take long to dry today.

Cheese omelette and coffee for lunch near the beach. It's a good day to chill… a non riding test day.

Lots of oversized people in undersized costumes showing off some horrendous tattoos. Maybe I'm just an old fashioned guy stuck in my ways !!! You don't have to agree but I can feel you nodding….